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A/T:                      BRAVERY OF THE GREASERS


as the wind blew through my hair as we drove on the curved road i spotted smoke coming from Jay mountain, the church had caught fire

Dally slammed on the breaks making me almost fall out of my seat "lets go see what the deal is " pony said while hopping out of the car the rest of us followed. tapping on the first adult we saw "whats going on" i asked

As he was speaking a woman ran up fear in her eyes "jerry some of the kids are missing" as we looked back at the building the faint sound of high pitch screaming could be heard " i told them to stay away from it" the lady kept on repeating

"ill get then don't worry" pony said darting towards the church before we protested against it. As i looked at the man named jerry "aren't you gonna go" i asked "cant to fat" i scoffed at his response running with Johnny to catch up to pony

pony had broken a window already stepping in we followed right behind him. the fire looked and felt like hell the fumes were going up my noes and in my mouth " i think the kids are in the back" i struggled to say

we opened the door to find about 5 kids one was screaming his head i off jonny yelled "shut up! we are gonna get all of yall out" as i looked at Johnny and pony the had no fear in the eye

grabbing the kids we turned around to go out the same way but only to find it blocked by flames .pony pushed open the closest window picking up a kid only to be bit but he still dropped him softly

"ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO DIE GET OUT OF THERE!" dally had said as we dropped the last kid out the window "what the hell do you think we are doing!" i yelled back. it was getting harder to breath

giving pony a hand on getting out first looked back at Johnny "johnny come here" but before i noticed i look the right of me my whole arm was in flames the long sleeve i was wearing had been burnt off i screamed jumping out of the window waving my arm around trying to put it out, as jerry threw his jacket at me make the flames disappear

hearing a scream i remembered "JOHNNY" as i tried to run back jerry held me "y/n please stay here" as i struggled in his arens my eyes becoming hazey as i looked at pony he had tried to do the same but dally clubbed his causing him to pass out me doing the same letting the darkness consume me


a/n: i know your wondering if im gonna let johnny die or not🤑

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