Blood Red and Gold

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'Characters Unlocked!!'

'Skill Unlocked!'

'Stage Unlocked!'

Hello dear readers!! I would just like to say thank you for all the love and comments I have received so far, and I am so sorry for not posting sooner or regularly. I just want to tell ya'll I really appreciate the comments and I've been keeping track of them so far!!! Anyway I've dropped another chapter below.



Chapter 9 ~ Blood Red and Gold

Luffy was sailing along the ocean, listening to the waves, the sea's overlapping whispers and stories.

'A rising emperor from the past, a fun one, loves to party.'

'Knowledge lost, island sunk, thousands lost lives.'

'Misplaced power in the hands of false gods.'

'Willful boy growing for more chaos in the future.'

The sea really loves drama, both good and bad. The ocean always goes with the flow, siding with no one. It was probably the reason why Luffy is free to do nothing, with no specific job.

'How are you today? Umi.'

Luffy blinked his eyes open, the sky was getting dark. Noting the brightening sky and moon.

"I'm good, my friend," he replied. Pushing the ocean's whispers to the back of his head.

That was when he noticed an odd bird cage - like structure from far away. It was surrounding an island.

Slightly curious, he decided to approach it. Besides, he promised Ace an adventure story so maybe this'll make a good one.

It was weird, the island is a winter one and there's these odd strings that encircle the whole place.

There seemed to be something going on there, since there were several swarms of very strong presences. It was weird, because this was the blues, even if it was the strongest blue.

When he reached the island, the cage-like structure had begun retracting, allowing him to enter the island.

Luffy wondered slightly how Ace would react to a snowy place like this, as he walked deeper into the island.

A large group of presences left the island by the time he reached the middle, while another group seemed to be waiting outside the island.

However, there were still two presences where he's headed, or maybe one would be more accurate.

One was of a weak kid, seemingly dying slowly. His presence was in despair and distraught.

The other was also dying but at a much quicker rate. However, his aura emits happiness and extreme relief.

Luffy, getting even more curious, walked further in. That was when he heard a boy's cries, begging for someone to stay with him, desperately.

The raven advanced slowly, emerging from behind the bushes. The raven stopped crying and stood protectively in front of the dying man. His body trembling but his eyes firm and defiant.

Luffy kept going anyway, until he stood in front and almost above the two of them.


Law couldn't believe it, Cora-san promised. He promised he would be fine. The blond said he loved him.

This man sacrificed his life to save him, endangering himself to retrieve the Ope-ope no mi. For him.

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