Feel the rush

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I don't know how long we were standing out in the rain holding each other but I felt Jorel shivering and I decided it was enough. I broke apart from him and looked into his eyes. He stared back into mine and he said nothing. "If you're cold you can go back in..." I trailed off and just watched the distant lightning coming closer. "No," he shook his head "not without you." He told me and grabbed my skinny arm, dragging me back into the stairwell. He closed the door behind him and we were no longer getting rained on. We were still soaking wet though. My lips trembled and I buried my face into his neck. He just soothingly ran his hand up and down my back while I whimpered.

"Please don't hate me for doing that." I said quietly. I could barely hear my self so I was surprised when Jorel responded. "Aron, I don't hate you. I'm sorry for saying that I was just mad."

"At what?" I asked him and moved my head back, chuckling because I got tears and snot all over him. Jorel smiled and took my hand, rubbing off my snot. I scrunched my face up and tried to pull away but he held my hand tighter. "It doesn't matter anymore. I almost lost you again." Jorel said and let go of my hand, walking down the stairs with me following behind slowly.

I was thinking about what he just did.
Surely it was nothing but since I have a dumb crush on him, when he was hiding my hand my stomach was doing flips and making me sick in a good way I guess. I looked down at my bare feet and then I looked at him. His hair was wet with water drops falling from his finger tips and some rolling down his chin. I blushed and sniffled, walking down to the door and watching him open it. Jorel led me down the hall then pressed the button to the elevator. He was breathing heavily. He looked like he was in shape so I don't see how the stairs effected him. Then again he might've been trying to calm down over something. I parted my dry lips to speak.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked slowly. Jorel inhaled deeply through his nose then exhaled before turning to look at me. His eyes were dark and boring into mine. "If I can be friends with you again or not." He said and put his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

I didn't reply because the doors made a bing and then opened. I wasn't going to say anything anyways. We stepped in and stood in silence as we waited to go down. What did he mean by that? I slid down the wall and put my hands on my face, groaning. "I'm such a girl." I said and looked up at him. He just shrugged. "You've always been a fan of drama." Jorel said, once again bringing up the past. That was all we had though. I nodded my head and rubbed my hands up and down my legs.

The doors opened and I stood up but didn't move. I didn't want to go back, it was awful in there. I'd have too be in there with his fiancé and who knows what the doctors will do to me if they see me soaking wet. Jorel didn't say anything, he just watched me stand there. I blinked slowly and lifted my feet , slowly walking into the hall with him.

We entered the room and the two nurses that let me out were standing by the bed. "We're sorry. We didn't know he was under suicide watch." One said once they noticed we were in the room again. Vanessa turned around and quickly stood up. "Jay what happened? Were you outside?!" She asked and put her hands on his face, looking him up and down. I walked over to the bed and sighed. "We have to get you in new clothes." One said before I could get on the bed. I shot them a glare and they backed off, going to get me a new gown.

I fiddled with my thumbs and waited for them to return. I didn't want to look back at Jorel and Vanessa because it hurt me. A few minutes later they came back and led me to the private bathroom. "There are some boxers and a robe in here." The nurse said and handed me a pile of folded clothes. I reached out and took them. The nurses left the room once they told Jorel and Vanessa I was in there and should be out in 5 minutes or else they needed to get help. I closed the door and rolled my eyes.

I walked over to a mirror and saw my pale face. I looked away and changed my clothes quickly. I slipped on the boxers and then put on the hospital gown, taking the two strings and tying them to my back so it wasn't loose and flowing everywhere. I splashed water on my face and then opened the door, walking back to the room and crawling into the bed. My back was facing Jorel and Vanessa and I was staring at a blank wall. "Hey, I think you should go home. It's late." Jorel said. At first I thought he was talking to me so I was confused but then I heard another voice. "Okay..." Vanessa said and I heard the lound of chains and something else. I think she was standing up from the chair and grabbing her purse to leave. "Be careful driving in the dark." Jorel said and I heard the loud of kissing which caused me to roll my eyes. Then I heard the door open and close.

I tried to stay awake but I couldn't, my eyelids were getting heavy. I tried to fight the sleep but it overcame me and I ended up closing my eyes and relaxing.


I woke up startled when I heard loud laughter from a few feet away from me. I shot up right and scanned the room for the source.

Jorel was pacing around the room with his phone up to his ear. He turned around and saw me watching him. We stared at each other and I began to feel nervous. There was mumbling sounds on the other line then Jorel spoke up. "Hold on I'll call you back later." He said and hung up, placing his phone inside his back pocket. The whole time he never took his eyes off me.

"Hi." He said. "Hey." I replied and got off the bed, getting a headache from the rush. "How'd you sleep?" Jorel asked, leaning against the wall. "Fine." I told him and looked around the room then out the window. It had stopped raining for now.

It was cold in the hospital but it was probably really humid outside. I turned my head back to Jorel and ran my fingers through my hair. "Can we go to the cafeteria or something?" I asked him and he nodded, pushing off the the wall and walking over to the door.

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