I can't seem to get enough

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Beeping. I heard beeping. That meant I was alive. I forced my eyes open but quickly covered them with my hands. The lights were too bright and it wasn't helping since everything in the room was white. I slowly moved my hands back and placed them on my stomach. I finally adjusted to the light and looked around at my surroundings, I was in the hospital.

There was a heart monitor attached to me and a breathing machine next to the bed I was on. There was also a few buttons and wires so that when you clicked the button it would send morphine through the wires and into my bloodstream.

I wasn't alone I noticed that when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked over at the person and saw it was Jorel. He was sitting in a chair close to my bed. His eyes were glued to the TV up in the corner of the room. There was a few magazines spread out on the coffee table that was in between the chairs. Vanessa, Jorel's fiancé, was in the other chair looking down at her phone. I cleared my throat and spoke up. "Why am I not dead?" After a few moments of silence I knew they weren't going to answer so I spoke again. "How long have I been asleep?" Was I even asleep? I could've been dead. Jorel sighed and looked down at his shoes, then at the TV again. "A few hours. You should go back to sleep." I frowned at his reply. "Why are you even here?" I asked. It sounded kind of rude but I didn't really care. Jorel smirked but didn't take his eyes off the television. "It's good to see you too, Aron. I see you're still a pain in the ass like you were five years ago." Vanessa let out a small laugh at his comment but I didn't find it funny at all.


I just narrowed my eyes and continued staring at him. He never looked away from the TV, which I found annoying. "Look at me." I ordered. Jorel hesitated at first but he finally did. I looked into his brown eyes and saw tear stains on his cheeks. "You pussy! You were crying!" I teased. He smiled at me and shocked his head lightly. "Shut up dude." Jorel said and looked away from me, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

I acted like I didn't care why he was crying. Even though I was dying to know. He never did do good in hospitals.

I leaned over the bed and looked at the clock on my nightstand. "Four AM." I pointed out. Jorel and Vanessa nodded this heads but didn't saw anything. It was around 2 o'clock in the afternoon when I jumped so that means I was asleep for a while.

I glanced up at them and noticed J was watching TV again and Vanessa was on her phone, not that I cared. I guessed we were done talking so I sat up in the bed and sighed. I didn't want to be done with the conversation, I had a lot of questions.

My gaze flicked to Vanessa. "Can she leave?" I asked. "Aron!" Jorel scolded but she got up anyways. "No it's okay. I'm going to go get a coffee or something from the food court." She said. "If it is open." She added, bending down and pecking Jorel on the lips. I made a gagging sound as she walked to the door. "Bye babe." He called out to her as she left. She closed the door behind her which I was thankful for.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I looked down at my hands that were folded on top of it. I moved my hands to the hem of my hospital gown and raised it up to my chest. I saw a few bruises there so I looked at Jorel for answers. He just shrugged. "I guess it was from the fall." He said as I pushed the gown back down to my thighs. "Okay." Was all I said. It got quiet again and I didn't feel like talking anymore. I still had questions but I felt uncomfortable around Jorel. It wasn't like it used to be, not that I thought it would be like it used to be. I didn't even think I'd see him again.

I reached over and grabbed the breathing mask and began to play with it. I glanced at J and saw him looking back at me with amusement. I looked back at the mask and put it on. "Yo yo yo this is big deuce and Imma 'bout to drop some rhymes right here at the hospital." I said. Jorel laughed and I laughed too. I blushed slightly at his laugh. It has changed a lot in 5 years. Things change though and Jorel and I aren't friends like we used to be.

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