Chapter 10

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"So pass this by me again because it sounded like someone broke into your fort freed Rufus and left a random person in his place." Machias finally spoke up.

"That's what happened or close enough from what we can tell." Jusis sighed.

"This is what happens when you let nobels punish their own! You should have had him under constant watch! Did you forget how devious the man is? Or were you too blind to the fact because he was your brother?!" Machias yelled in annoyance.

"Machias," Emma spoke in a warning tone.

"No he's right we let security become lax around him since he turned himself in and never caused a problem until now." Jusis defended his friend.

"Heya I'm back." Millium finally arrived on the call.

"Any new evidence?" Jaune asked.

"It wasn't Claire or Lechter it's too messy for how they tend to act. The only odd thing was a few sword marks on Rufus's cell walls as well as the bruises on the man in the cell." Millium reported.

"Are you implying what I think you are?" Alisa caught on first.

"It's possible. But why would he escape if the man wasn't there to break him out?" Laura chimed in.

"Nothings ever simple with that man." Crow sighed.

"What do we do then?" Towa asked.

"The official statement will say an unknown accomplice broke Rusus out." Jusis sighed.

"But that might not be the truth." Elliot countered.

"I agree with Jusis," Machias spoke up. "There's just not enough evidence one way or another. There will be some backlash to this news but if we say Rufus foiled an attack on his life and fled it will cause conflict with the public's view of the man. After all, who would gain the most should Rufus wind up dead in his jail cell."

"Well, it must be bad if you two are agreeing." Crow joked. "Do you need us to return?"

"Not yet," Jusis spoke up. "While it's likely Rufus will go to either Crossbell or Liberl, nothing is saying he won't divert course and try to hide out over where you guys are. I've already contacted Lloyd and the Crossbell Guardian forces. So we should be fine but if anything happens we will contact you."

"Seems you've got this all planned out." Jaune nodded. "Well on another worrying note. Emma, can you see if Rose or Vita know anything about the 'four kingdoms'?"

"Why what's going on?" Emma seemed worried.

"When we meet with the headmaster here Jaune, Crow, and Olivert felt some kind of magic field," Towa explained.

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