Chapter 6

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Jaune and Crow made their way to the locker rooms of Amity Colosseum while wondering what kind of fight they would be in. They had plans for whichever type of fight they could think of. If they were placed against a single opponent then the one to deliver the final blow was the winner while if they fought a team the one who defeated the most would be the winner. If they ended with a tie, well they were in an arena and they could always let loose a little bit.

"I wonder what's in store for us?" Crow gave a questioning look to Jaune.

"No idea, I left before this festival started last time," Jaune informs his friend.

"The festival that year never happened due to outside forces interfering." Ironwood walked into the locker room.

"Oh? Did you also have issues with terrorists or something?" Crow joked.

"Indeed. The White Fang got far too active and the council feared for the people's safety." Ironwood didn't seem to notice it was just a joke.

"Oh. 'well now I feel like a dick.' Then have you increased security this year?" Crow wondered while thinking what he would do if he were still C.

"We have, thanks for asking. Anyway, I have come to explain what type of match you will be involved in." Ironwood pulled out a small projector. "Since you're both relatively recent graduates of your school, Ozpin thought it would be best to place you up against a top team that has recently graduated themselves." The team was one Jaune knew.

"CFVY I haven't thought about them in ages," Jaune admitted. Other than a few leadership classes with Coco his only other contact with that team was when he got Cardin to stop pulling Velvet's ear.

"Anything you remember about them?" Crow looked at the pictures.

"Other than ones a Rabbit Faunus the leader Coco is the one with the minigun purse. That and we probably shouldn't let Angelica meet Coco." That last comment made Crow worried.

"Well, that's nice to know. So we only know one of their weapons. Eh, we can handle it. Can you tell Ozpin we're ready?" Crow turned to Ironwood.

"Alright if you believe you're ready I'll go inform him. Good luck." Ironwood left the room wondering why they didn't even look bothered at fighting multiple opponents of unknown skill.

"So any ideas?" Crow asked Jaune.

"A few."


The air was cool but even still he wore his mask. This was a new land however he couldn't take the risk and he still needed Nadia or Swin's assistance with finding out why this land had so many eye's focused on it. Lapis was drawn to this land, which was good enough for him. The ones who tried to kill him seemed to be after the doll so sticking close would give him the answers he sought and if not at least he would have tried to do one decent thing before he died though that wouldn't out way all his vile deeds.

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