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The board of governors had been meeting continuously over the last few weeks. They were trying to find a way to salvage Hogwarts reputation. They finally came up with a few idea's, some would be implemented straight away, while others wouldn't begin until the following year.

Harry and Neville headed down to breakfast, they met up with their girlfriends along with Tracy and Blaise. This time they sat at the Hufflepuff table. They instantly noticed that Dumbledore wasn't at the staff table. Snape was still missing, much to everyone's delight. But Harry gapped as he stared at his godfather and Remus who were both sitting at the staff table. Neville was also staring, his grandmother was sitting at the staff table, but she was also sitting in the chair that Dumbledore normally sat at.

Just before the end of breakfast, Augusta Longbottom stood up and called for quiet. She made the announcement that Albus Dumbledore had retired, she was now the headmistress. That stunned the students so much they sat in complete shocked silence. Most believed if Albus Dumbledore ever retired then Minerva McGonagall would end up headmistress.

Augusta went on to explain that Professor Slughorn was now the permanent potions teacher. That got a reaction, almost all the students cheered. Then she announced that Remus Lupin and Sirius Black were taking over as the defence against the dark arts teachers. With how poorly the teaching had been in that subject over the last few years they felt having two teachers would help the students catch up. They wanted Remus to return as the governors had received many letters telling them that Professor Lupin was the only good teacher they had. Remus agreed to return if Sirius would fill the role on the wolf nights and the day before and after.


Harry turned at the sound of his name to see the Weasley twins waving him over. So Harry got up and went to the Gryffindor table.

'What's up?'

'Can you introduce us...' Fred began.

'To Padfoot and Moony?' George finished.

Harry laughed, 'Sure, it will have to be after classes though.'

'Then we'll hang around after dinner.'

'No worries, I'll set it up,' Harry chuckled then returned to his girlfriend.

'What did they want?' Tracy asked.

'To be introduced to the last two Marauders. I said I would set it up.'

'So the Marauders had a reputation for pranking students,' Daphne said.

'Not just students, we also pranked the staff,' Sirius grinned as he stopped behind Harry then pulled his godson into a hug, 'I can't thank you enough pup.'

Harry shrugged, 'I figured if I had reporters willing to listen and tell the truth, I would slip in about you. I can't believe you and Moony are here, teaching.'

'The governors had been having a lot of emergency meetings. They realised things would need to change or half the students would transfer to another school once they finished their O.W.L.s. Many have been calling for change for years, but the old man refused. This time he was given the option of retiring or face being fired. So he retired.'

'What really happened to Snape?'

'Sent to Azkaban. He never had a trial before because Albus spoke for him, saying he was spying for the light. Back then everyone just took Albus's word. This time he was questioned using veritaserum, he admitted all his crimes. One crime had me almost end up back in Azkaban. I wanted to kill the bastard.'

'What did he do?' Harry whispered.

'He was the death eater that heard the first part of the prophecy about you and Voldemort. He went straight to his master. Voldemort became obsessed with finding out who the baby boy was. After some research he knew it meant either you or Neville, as you were both born at the end of July. Albus knew Snape went to Voldemort, which is why he turned up at your home. If the old man was still here I would curse the bastard. That snivelling coward hurt many people when he was a death eater yet he was allowed to belittle his victim's families.'

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