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Before Harry went down to breakfast he hurried to the room to speak with the elves about the next lot of pranks. They explained everything was ready. The little female elf that had approached Harry about Hermione's home, appeared before him with the copy of the book. She also found out that all muggleborn or muggle raised students had this book on their list. It made Harry furious to know someone had deliberately made sure he didn't get the book he needed. Harry was going to study it until he could quote it word for word. Hopefully whoever decided Harry didn't need the book would realise he got hold of it and he was learning from it, and he wasn't going to allow anyone to stop him learning what he wanted.

From the moment any person walked through the castle they found out what the next prank was. All the people in the portraits would turn around and dropped their trousers, or lift their skirts if they were woman and show their backsides. It didn't matter if you were a student or staff, the portraits would moon you. The odd student thought it was vulgar and disgusting, most thought it was hilarious. The teachers on the other hand spent the day trying to reverse the charm, but they had no luck. The students ended up with a free day since none of the teachers went to their classrooms to teach.

Snape had once again had his clothes removed and ended up in a corset, this time bright florescent green, with matching eye shadow. Harry had been surprised that he returned to the great hall after appearing in a corset the last two times he had been out in the school. Now it happened for the third time, and after that no one saw Snape, not in the great hall or anywhere else around the school. So even though he wasn't teaching, he also wasn't patrolling the corridors. If Harry ever stopped the pranks, he would never stop the one that kept affecting Snape. Harry, and many others all believed Snape shouldn't be a teacher since he didn't actually teach. So Harry would continue to prank him until he left.

Ever since Snape first appeared in a corset, he hadn't been teaching, now it seems more classes were going to be cancelled. Harry and the elves had work it for Snape to stay in the corset until ten o'clock ever night. And no matter what he tried, no cloak would remain until the curse had run its course. Harry figured he would study and practice potions on his own, and he had more time since he wasn't given any homework.

The following day, the statues and armour began to fart at anyone that walked pass. The older students had to show the younger students how to do air freshening charms and bubble head charms as the statues and armour didn't just fart they let off a disgusting smell. Harry taught Neville how to do both charms, so like everyone else, they would walk around the castle with what looked like a fish bowl on their heads.

One thing had everyone curious, the Daily Prophet seems to be only telling the truth, when before all they did was lie or twist facts to make someone look bad. Hermione constantly questioned why this was happening. After Rita Skeeter's first article about the champions, mainly about Harry and mainly full of lies, now her stories were full of facts, and always truthful. Skeeter admitted she made up almost all of what she wrote about Harry Potter. That ended with Harry receiving piles of mail from people apologising for believing what Skeeter wrote. Harry had to thank the house elves for that bit of magic. They had worked house elf magic on the printing presses at the Daily Prophet. It's why the statement Harry wrote ended up published without anything being changed. Harry didn't care if it made the teachers angry or upset, he just told the truth or told what he had heard or observed.

Harry did write that Dumbledore must not be as powerful as everyone believes if he couldn't stop a fourteen year old being entered into a tournament meant for adults. But Harry also wrote how he never had any support from any of the teachers, including his head of house. He made sure to write that he didn't like, trust or respect any of the teachers at Hogwarts.

So even though Harry enjoyed pranking everyone, he wanted to get his message out. And one message was that Severus Snape was a coward who bullied children because it made him feel superior and better about himself. Harry did end up in detention for that statement, but again Snape never showed so Harry returned to the common room. When McGonagall took points, Harry said he didn't care just as most students didn't care about house points when Snape made the house point system a laughing stock. Harry ended up in detention again, this time with McGonagall. Harry ignored her the whole time and just did what she instructed him to do, write that students should respect their elders and teachers. Harry did write his lines, he just changed them a bit. He wrote that he didn't respect any teacher in that school and he didn't trust any adult so again there was no respect. He wrote that like with everyone, teachers had to earn their respect and none of them had ever done anything to earn Harry's respect. By the end of the night Harry had lost one hundred points but all he did was shrug before he left to head back to Gryffindor tower.

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