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Back at KQ (Hongjoong POV)
we we're in the practice room preparing for our upcoming comeback.
"Joong can we over this part again real quick i think I missed something " my band mate yeosang comes over to me saying
"Uh yeah we can " but just than our manager walked in
"Hey guys um the company wants u guys to come to the office apparently he has some news for u guys " confused we all gather our things and gets our drinks of water before heading out
"So ateez we have some news for u "
" are we disbanding" San says with a almost saddening look on his face
"I highly doubt that San we literally preparing for our comeback "
"Oh ur right joong"
"No no no ofc not ur not disbanding , but we want u guys to adopt a kid"
"A KID U CRAZY I CANT EVEN TAKE CARE OF THESE HOOLIGANS" I shout , no way they rlly want us to adopt a kid we have way to much on our plate right now to possibly watch them .
" we think it'll be good for y'all considering the state of the company and band and it's already beeen decided the van is outside ready to take y'all to the adoption center"
We all let out a long sigh we know there's no way we're getting out of this .

"Were really going thru with this "
"Well woo it's seems like it "
We walked out the company door and got into the van
I sat in the back next to Mingi and seonghwa I started thinking are me and my members rlly capable of taking take care or a kid ? Let alone a girl since our manager told us that's what the company wants . I just hope nothing goes wrong.
Will the fans like her? Was really the only question on my mind . Ik some of our fans can be wild but I hope they'll except whoever we decide to adopt with open arms . My thoughts were cut short by Mingi calling my name to tell me we arrived at the center . I get out along with the rest of ateez and walked into the building be greeted by a short middle aged women . " hey u guys must be the men they said were coming to adopt" the small lady says
" yes ma'am we are" "theres a lot of u I'm sure whoever u adopt will be ever loved" "ofc maam" Mingi chimes in
" okay follow me we're gonna go to the plaza where all over our potential adoptees are"
We walked into a large area where there's about 30 girl of all ages are . It was kinda a relief to see older children I kinda thought the company wanted us to adopt an toddler which would have went terribly wrong if u ask me
" okay u guys may talk to them and I'll just be over here u guys can ask me anything if needed or if u have made ur choice"
She than walks to the corner of the room to over look everything
I take a look around it's obvious some of the girl recognize us . I decided to go talk to some of them as my members already started making small talk with some . I walk over to one girl she's has pretty good style compared to the other kids here so she immediately caught my eyes .

Adopted by Ateez ~~~Where stories live. Discover now