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Almost a week had passed since the club incident, and my brother had been even more protective of me than he normally was, which made it harder to sneak away from him. Nevertheless, I found ways to meet up with the pack.

Tonight though, we were headed over to Everette, his parents had gone out tonight which made his place the perfect place to go to talk about things that would make normal people's heads explode.

I had on my blue jean shorts and a white Taylor Swift shirt I had gotten from one of her concerts. I was paired with a pair of black combat boots and went through my closet trying to find a sweatshirt, but all of my were in the laundry so I made my way over to Cyrus' room.

He was on his bed watching a movie on his computer as I opened the door to his closet, and went through his sweatshirts.

"What the hell are you doing?" He shouts at me. "Get out of my room!"

"Relax, I just need a sweatshirt." I pull off a jean jacket with a grey hood on the back.

"Where are you going?" He asks, being all protective. I put the jacket on, it was too big on me but I didn't care that much.

"My friends are picking me up, we're going to her place to hang out." I explained.

I walked out of his room, "Thanks for the jacket!" I yell to him as I make my way down the stairs. I look through the window to see Harlan and Luna's jeep in my driveway, here to pick me up.

I yell goodbyes to my mother and run out to the car hopping into the back seat where Blake was sat right next to me.

"How's your brother?" I ask Blake.

"He's back to normal Danny for the most part, he's still a little raddled though." She tells me. "How's you face?"

She was referring to the bruise across my face that I had gotten on Monday night. Even with supernatural healing, bruises took a while to heal "The bruise is pretty much gone, and it doesn't hurt to touch anymore."

Everette's house wasn't that far away from mine, so we were parked in front of his house pretty quickly.

We walk up to the front door, Harlan knocking. "It's ok they're gone." Everette tells us about his parents as we all walk inside.

"Did they find the cop." Blake asks Luna and Harlan knowing their dad is working with Ramsey.

"My dad says he hasn't heard anything, all Ramsey saw was the blood on the tree." She explains to the group.

"They think he was drunk and probably hurt himself." Harlan chimes in from behind us.

"But that was days ago." Everette says.

"And no one's found his body, no one's found any body. The cop's dead. My brother could've died too if Everette didn't get to him first." Blake explains.

"Why would the wolf go after Danny?" I ask curiously.

"Because he hit me, it's like you said, it's protecting us." Blake tells us.

"Protecting its pack." Luna adds.

Blake continues explaining why the wolf would go after her brother. "I got mad at Danny, and grabbed him, and he hit me in the face."

"Maybe it was watching and picked up on your emotions, like how we picked up on Everette's anxiety." Luna theorizes.

"Then it definitely killed the cop for slamming my head against the wall." Harlan tells us. "Because I was pretty fucking pissed about that."

"Now it doesn't want to kill us, just anyone who threatens or hurts us?" Blake questions.

My ringer on my phone goes off and it is a text from Cyrus with a link to an article. I pull it up while Everette talks about what might have happened to Connor and read to see that some cops found blood behind the club that matched to someone named Thomas Reeds.

LOST & FOUND II Wolf PackWhere stories live. Discover now