Chapter 8

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Monday morning went just as expected. The stares, the questioning eyes, the rumours and of course the endless amount of pity.

Kaylee tried to get my mind off the accident, can I even call it that anymore? Shawn and Trevor were a great help too, by acting like everything is normal. The problem is they were trying just a little bit to hard which reinforced that everything was in fact not normal.

Ben on the other hand acted like there was a stick up his ass the whole day. I even went out of my way to be there for him, when I saw him, yet he completely ignored me.

I can't complain much, honestly, everyone was decent. There was no mean jokes or pranks pulled on me. No nasty anonymous texts and or calls. Besides the occasional stare, frown and awkward silence of entering a room, today really wasn't that bad.

"Are you sure you're up to babysitting?" I hate babysitting but I need a distraction and this one literally fell right into my lap. So who I am to refuse?

"Yep, it's no problem. Actually I could use the distraction", Mrs Brown smiles a hesitant smile like she completely forgot about my dads death and my almost death. Actually, maybe she did... like maybe she did forget altogether. Truth be told, she doesn't seem like someone who would/ does keep up with watching the news or any news for that matter.

God, I'm judgey, who cares? It's a night out of the house with free pizza for dinner and unlimited cable. Kidding, this is the 21st century no one watches cable anymore.

Free Netflix from Mr. Browns account- just seeing what my principal watches on his down time is enough of a reason to watch his poorly behaved kids. Did I mention that they're twins? Two five year old identical twins. There names are Chanel and Coco not that it matters because if you had a gun to my head I still wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Though, I don't feel too bad because they think my name is "Ready."

Sometimes I wonder how this happened? Like why I am- me of all people babysitting for my principal who doesn't even live remotely close by... the reason is one word; Kaylee.

The Browns are Kaylee's neighbours. Mrs. Brown asked Kaylee to babysit one time and Kay being her, roped me into it. Now, almost five years later, Kaylee hasn't babysat since and I'm here at least a few times a year when their nanny needs a break.
I guess that's technically a lie because Kaylee does stop by to hangout with me but she completely ignores the girls so I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as babysitting.

"Red? Earth to Redford?" At the mention of my full name I snap out of whatever trance I was in. I look up and meet Kaylee's eyes, "I said, do you want me to get that?" It takes me a moment to realize she's talking about the door because the pizzas here. "No, I got it."

"Cash or credit?" "Here", I say to the pizza delivery man instead of answering. He's familiar; definitely goes to our school but I can't remember his name or even what grade he's in. As I hand the him a twenty, it takes him just a moment too long to count the money and figure out how much to give back from his shirt pocket. Right when he's about to give me back change I remember my manners and tell him to, "keep the change." He mumbles a quick "thanks", even though with tax the large pizza came out to be just under twenty dollars anyways.

I carry the pizza in and bite my lip to hold in my laugh when I see Kaylee struggling to put one of the twins in a high chair. "Thank god!" She says as soon as she notices me, "this is your problem not mine." I set the pizza down as Kaylee moves around me to no doubt grab a slice. "Aren't they a little old to be in high chairs?" Kay drops her piece, "that's what I'm saying!"

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