Chapter 4

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Dancing with Trevor is a lot more fun than I thought it would be. He lets me lead and isn't at all afraid to look bad. The weird thing is he doesn't-, that is look bad. He looks good, really good.

The songs bleed into the next, one at a time and it's nice. It's nice being here with him; it's nice dancing with him.

A slow song comes on and he leans in closer. I know what he's about to do, but it's still a shock to me, when he leans in and kisses me.

He tastes like watermelon nicotine.
I pull away, but he must think it's some kind of encouragement- like I'm playing 'hard to get' because he only comes back harder.

I finally have to push at him to get him to stop.
He looks shocked, like it's impossible that I would want to stop kissing him.

I make a break for it to the bathrooms, without looking back.

"Red, what happened?"
I hear a bang followed by-, "hey? What the hell!"
Than another bang and another.

Since vaping has gotten so out of control, none of the doors have locks, so it's up to anyone using the bathroom to push their bag against the door to keep it somewhat locked.
Apparently, cheer has made Kaylee's kicks strong because she comes into my stall only after kicking three other doors with two people actually going to the bathroom open.

Yet, only one of them had any reaction to the invasion of privacy.
'Being the queen bee must be pretty nice', I feel bad as soon as I think it because right now she's here to check up on me.

"What the hell Red? I went and found Trevor alone and he said he 'didn't know where you were!' She says mimicking Trevor's voice. "I was worried sick", she says in her own.

I don't know what to say; I highly doubt that Kaylee was, "worried sick."
I have no good answer to give, Kaylee is one to pry and if I told her the truth it would just lead to more questions. And Kaylee has a way about her that she usually gets what she wants.

We stand at a standstill until she throws her hands in the air with her anger beyond reason.
"Seriously? You're not going to tell me?"
What would I even tell her? Nothing happened.
"This is what I get for trying to be a good friend", she whispers to herself, (but still loud enough for me to hear) as she storms out of the washroom.

"Kaylee wait!"
She stops and from the angle I'm at it momentarily looks like she's smiling.
She turns and her face morphs into an expression of anger, "what?"
"I'm sorry. It's just that Trevor tried to kiss me-, actually we did."
The anger is instantly gone, "and you freaked out?" I nod.

She hugs me before I can finish the rest of what happened.
I'm momentarily concerned that she won't get it, that she'll ask me 'what the big deal is?' Instead, she's the perfect best friend, "Trevor is such a grease ball!" I smile because it's true.

Suddenly, she steps back, "this is all my fault!"
I'm shaking my head and consoling her, "what? No of course not!" She's nodding quickly, "I'm the one who's been encouraging-, forcing you to hang out with Trevor. God Red, I'm so sorry."
"Kaylee-, nothing is your fault. Besides, nothing even happened, it was just a kiss and like you said I freaked."
Kaylee doesn't look like she believes me but she drops it.

She checks her watch and as soon as she does her eyes light up, "its almost time to see who won Spring Queen!!" She cheers. Spring queen is the last thing I care about but I try and put my best fake smile on when I say, "while you better get out of here."
"You too! I swear Red you're definitely going to win." I laugh at the thought, "Kaylee let's just say I know for certain it's not going to be me." I actually don't know for certain since I was nominated but let's just say that if I do win I'm going to pass out.

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