The Curse

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[The picture above is what meliodas looks like when he has become a terrifying demon beast, but imagine him without the mask, and his horns are a bit bigger anyway. I hope you will enjoy it!]

"Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of France, a handsome young prince lived in a beautiful castle."

A young, blonde haired prince was getting ready as he had put on the final item on his outfit as his servants were making sure his face was clean and looking handsome.

"Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was selfish and unkind."

A man in the doorway, holding a pocket watch as he checked the time and saw that it was time for the party.

"Master, it's time."

The young prince glanced over at the man with his emerald green eyes as he nodded.

"He taxed the village to full his castle with the most beautiful objects."

The prince motioned the servant to bring the candelabra closer so he could admire himself in the mirror that he was holding. Satisfied, the prince stood up and began to leave his room and head towards the ballroom

"And his parties with the most beautiful people."

The blonde haired male was sitting on his throne as he snapped his fingers, having the music to start as the ballroom was filled with beautiful girls in gorgeous gowns as the girls curtsied to the prince.

The young prince stood up from his seat and began to walk towards the girls who began to dance as he began to head to one of the females and start to dance with her.

"Oh, how divine glamour, music, and magic combine see the maidens so anxious to shine look for a sign that enhances chances she'll be his special one."

The green eyed prince continues to dance with different females on the dance floor as he was in the middle of the dance floor, having four girls to surround him as they continue to dance around him.

"What a display what a breathtaking, thrilling array ev'ry prince ev'ry dog has his day let us sing with passion, gusto, fit to bust, Oh not a care in the world"

Suddenly, the party was interrupted by someone knocking on the door, having everyone in the room to look over at the double doors that's behind the throne chair.

The doors flew open, and a big gust of wind blew out all of the candles as a figure in a cloak entered the ballroom.

"Then, one night, an unexpected intruder arrived at the castle seeking shelter from the bitter storm."

The prince went to his servants, who handed a candle as he went to the cloak figure, only to see an old woman under the dark cloak.

"As a gift, she offered the prince a single rose."

The old lady held up a rose to the prince who began to laughed of seeing this as he looked over at his guest who also began to laugh as he looked over at the old lady, grabbing the rose from her.

"Replused by her haggard appearance, the prince turned the woman away."

The blonde haired male scoffed and threw the rose to the ground, having the old woman look at the rose and then up towards the prince.

"But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances."

The candles blew off, having the green eyed prince to look at it with a bit of surprised and confusion.

"For beauty is found within. When he dismissed her again. The old woman's outward appearance melted away. To reveal a beautiful enchantress."

The woman grabbed the rose and began changing from an old woman to a gorgeous enchantress.

The prince fell to his knees as the guests began to fled the castle, screaming in fear of seeing the enchantress.

"The prince begged for forgiveness, but it was too late. For she had seen that there was no love in his heart."

A ginger young boy was running through the crowd that was running away to see what was going on.

"Arthur! Arthur! Oh, my!" A young raven haired female with golden eyes chased after the ginger boy and grabbed a hold of him and had a look of shock of seeing what's happening.

"As punishment, she transformed him into a terrifying demon beast. And placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there."

The prince began to yell out in pain as he doubled over in agony as his appearance began to chance as his green eyes turn into pitch darkness and he began to grow horns, his nails turning into claws and darkness begans to cover his entire arms and legs even on some parts of his body as a sun like symbol appear on his forehead as his teeth changes into sharp fangs.

The prince let out a thunderous roar, and then he scratched a portrait picture of himself.

"As days bled into years, the prince and his servants were forgotten by the world. For the enchantress had erased all memory of them from the minds of the people they loved."

The Once bright and extravagant castle was now dark and gloomy. Dark clouds hovered over the castle, and a permanent winter also surrounded the area.

"But the rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose. If he could learn to love another and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell. The spell could be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time."

Up in the west tower, the enchanted rose was under a glass case. The beast placed his hand on the glass, watching as another petal fell, causing the beast whose name was meliodas, let out a sigh, and looked down in despair.

"As the years passed, he fell in despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"

[First chapter of this book! Hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm sorry for the long wait since I was out vacationing, then my phone got damaged and got sick, but I'm feeling better and gotten a new phone, so get ready for more chapters! And I hope you like this chapter anyway. Have a great day/night!]

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