Entry 1 & 2: Recent Rumors + New Teams

Start from the beginning

Wichita: " guys to help you relax more, I'm gonna put on this music"

" uh this isn't helping our concentration, if anything it's making it worse" Houston said, making Wichita say " SHUT UP! NO TALKING!" as the class had to suffer listening to this.

Aoba was not having a good time on this test. She thought that she'd probably score really low on it. I mean who knows the circumference of (fill in whatever math thing you're thinking about).

Not to mention supposedly common sense questions, these are not common sense!

-example on test: " your team mate broke a leg, and Sirens are quickly approaching what do you do?" I mean... Aoba started to think were this biased questions? clearly if you wanna look good on the test than you're gonna say "help them escape but risk getting injured, killed, or caught" or "stay and fight but risk getting injured, killed or caught" and of course there's always that venomous answer of " leave them behind and save yourself"

This music wasn't helping either. I mean some of the ship girls were rocking their heads to the beat and enjoying it. Others well it was clearly annoying them.

Wichita: " times up! STOP!" announcing the end. Everyone put their pencils down.

The class was dismissed.

The next day was upon Aoba, this time she woke up on time. Getting to shower, do her hair, brush her teeth, etc. Make herself look good to meet her new team mates. She had missed working with Gridley, Maury, San Diego, Columbia, and Portland. After all, they were all friends, all part of the Writing Club and were a sortie team for 3 years of High School. The four year they thought they'd all be together again but this was not to be as Princeton's new announcement shifted their whole dynamic.

Of course there was protest about this new move, but Princeton wasn't having any. She informed all the Faction leaders that despite many ships arguments and complaints that this is beneficial for all factions because they get to experience being partnered up with random ships and make do with it. After all, life isn't always that easy when you get to be with whoever you want. That's not how battles at sea work, where you have to make do with what and who you have. Even if you don't like them, personality wise or battle wise.

Aoba checked the matching board the first thing when she arrived to school. After fighting through a whole crowd of ships who we're also viewing the board to see who they're teamed up with.

Aoba: " no way..." thinking she would've preferred to have the same level or weaker on her team but...

" really? paired up with you? You've got to be joking" Vanguard said, scoffing. Thinking this is some sort of sick mistake.

" you said it..." Roon said, not liking these girls at all. Thinking that Vanguard is too stuck up, and Aoba is too weak.

" let's all just get along ok?" Impero said, talking to a tree. She was informed at the front gate to look for Vanguard, Aoba, Suruga, Roon, and Sirius. Since she cannot see they just told her right there who she'll look for or uh... listen for.

" ughhh and of course we get the blind one.. hey! we're over here you dope!" Suruga said, crossing her arms. She had little patience for Impero to find her way to them, grabbing her wrist and yanking them into their inner circle of a group.

" hey that's not very nice" Aoba said, already not liking how these girls are talking in addition, how they're presenting themselves already.

Sirius: " oops! sorry I'm late! But I brought everyone a snaaaa---ackkkk!" tripping. Spilling whatever crapes and stuff she had made for them onto them.

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