"Sen's right! Cuz if I hear the word Destiny one more time-!!" Pigsy said as he grabbed the mayor by the collar of his shirt.

"Pigsy, put the prisoner down! And Sen! No execution yet!" Tang said but I only snapped my jaws at him.

"Monkey King beat her before, so we can too!"
MK said surely.

"I don't really see how. Now that she has Wukong and the Dragon Girl."
RedSon said, his arms still wrapped around my torso as he inched me away from the prisoner.

"All right, bozo. You're going to tell us how Sun Wukong stopped the Lady Bone Demon last time or else!" Tang said as he grabbed Mayor by the collar and shook em, making both me and Pigsy proud.

"Get his ass Tang!!"

"That information won't help you now. My Lady has corrected the one mistake in her previous plan!" The bitch said, I immediately started going off again.

"Oh yea!? Let's see your bitch of a lady fix the mistakes I'm boutta make on yo corpse!!"

"Okay...and what was that mistake?"
MK asked.

"The mistake of extending her compassion only to the mortal realm."

"Uh-huh. I see. And where is this 'mortal realm' you speak of?" MK asked stupidly.

"We're in it ya moron."
Red said as he poked the brunette, causing his face to shrink.

And so, Mayor bitch guy, explained a whole bunch of lore about Lady Bitch Demon and jack I don't care about.

"My Lady's power is too great for you to best. Your friend will surrender the Fire. My Lady's victory is assured!"

I gave him a stank eye, a heavy stank eye, but Macaques voice quickly grabbed my attention.

"She didn't look so hot last time I saw her."
We all looked over and saw the dark furred simian tied up besides Mayor.

"Nu-huh. You're in time-out, so you don't get to chime in. Sandy, spin him!"
MK said.

"Sorry, Mr. Maquack."
Sandy said as he grabbed Macaque by the head and spun him around till his back faced us.

"Come on, kid. You must have seen it. She might be stronger than ever, but she's spread too thin. The mech, the crystal, and now Monkey King? I bet you anything that keeping him suppressed is using every ounce of strength she's got."
Macaque said.

"Hmm, meaning she's much weaker...if we seize the opportunity then our chances of victory are much better."
I spoke, Red began to think as well, all attention seem to be on us.

"Correct but, how weak are we talking? No matter how weak she could be..."

"She's still Lady Bone Demon, and she's proven to be quite cunning and destiny seems to truly be on her side. She was able to take over Monkey Kings mind and now that she's completely pushed to her vessels limits...
If we corner her the chances are high that she'll simply kill us."
I said.

Everyone now seemed to take my words to heart, this entire situation was growing more and more difficult and risky by the minute.

Jade Locust Among Gold Silk [OC Insert x LMK]Where stories live. Discover now