CH 9.2 Camping From Hell

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Alex grasped Dex's muzzle tenderly in her hands, then leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "I'm not here for me," she whispered. "I'm here so that every Anolis male can live free of slavery—for you and Razz and Trac and Kress. This fight is for them. And it makes me very, very happy."

Rile sat up tall, unwavering and proud as he looked Dex square in the eye. He spoke with the strength of conviction, "We are Guardians - called here for a purpose. Alex is an excellent Guardian. She won't shirk her duty."

Dex nodded, obviously still miserable. "I was not insulting Alex."

A scratching at the door interrupted them.

"What now?" Alex roared. "I'm in bed with three males in the middle of the night!"

Rile snickered and Razz nudged Dex, whose expression lightened. Rile snorted a laugh and Razz flashed Dex a mischievous grin, finally breaking Dex's stoic expression.

"It's Zilik," he called from the other side of the door. "The guards heard talking and sent for me to investigate."

"After Alex threw that dagger into the door at them, they won't look themselves," Rile said with a chuckle.

"Come on in!" Alex yelled. "The more the merrier!"

Zilik cracked open the door and tiptoed into the room, taking in the sight of his fellows. Dex lay propped up against Razz, color flushed back into his hide, while Alex and Rile cuddled on the far side of the bed.

"Dex, good to see you looking better every day," Zilik said with a grin.

Alex rolled her eyes. "We're all fine. Just chatting. Why don't you curl up next to Dex? That'll give the guards something to gossip about."

Without missing a beat, Zilik slid beneath the covers and shuffled closer to Dex as Alex pushed Rile over to make room for him.

Zilik said, "I have your supplies for the revolutionary army: tent, water, food, basic utensils. If you leave tomorrow morning, you'll only have to camp one night before the battle."

Alex groaned with dread. "Camping?"

"It's not like usual camping," Rile corrected him with a grimace. "This is army camping. Much worse."

"We shall make it as comfortable as possible," Razz said and plumped her pillow.

"We?" Alex cast him a dubious look. "You and Dex are not coming. Too close to the front lines, too close to the palace, too close to obnoxious Anolis females."

"But warrior females always bring their males to comfort them before a battle," Razz said as he drew up the sheets around them and smoothed them.

"I'm not that kind of warrior," Alex said.

"I'll watch over them here," Zilik said. "We're so close to the border that I want to keep an eye on them. There's bound to be some chaos in the city when the revolutionaries launch their attack."

Razz opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by Alex flopping down onto her stomach and covering her head with a pillow.

Rile smiled fondly at Razz. "Don't worry—I'll keep looking after her," he said, nodding towards Alex.

Her muffled voice came from beneath the pillow, "And I'll watch over you too!"


Alex found out that army muster was camping from hell. Rile was merciless in his 'I told you so's'. Alex trudged up the hill with Rile, lugging in their supplies for muster. The sound of metal clanking and boots crunching dry leaves filled the air as they all set up camp. Alex saw the perfect formation of khaki tents surrounding them, all standing tall and proud. Her gaze shifted to their green camouflage tent that was placed off-center, deliberately sagging on one side. A sly grin crept across her face as she imagined how much this would irritate the Anolis warriors.

Away Mission - Book 2 of the Guardians Series - EDITED versionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt