Start from the beginning

"What do you mean it was the Russians?" I heard Giovanni ask me to look at him.

"A guy tried to attack me but he was masked. I killed him and took his mask off, on his neck had the Russian tattoo "I tell them while looking at the footage.

I was watching the footage in slow motion when I saw Estela going to the bathroom, but someone was following her. Then I see Cole, Estela's ex putting a cloth on her mouth. But something caught my eye.I focused on his neck and saw the same tattoo that the Russian guy had.

I slammed my hands on the desk and stood up brutally.

"MIERDA" I yelled, I started pacing back and forth. I grabbed my phone and called Dad.

[Translation: Shit]


"Papa,es Cole, el hijo de puta trabaja para los rusos."

[Translation:Dad, it's Cole, the son of a bitch works for the Russians]

"De qué mierdas hablas Adaliah, dime la verdad."

[Translation: What the fuck are you talking about Adaliah, tell me the truth]

"Papa como te voy a mentir, es mi hermana"

[Translation:Dad, how am I going to lie to you, she's my sister]

"Ven para la casa ahora y traite a los Moretti"

[Translation:Come to the house and bring the Moretti]

"Que?1 Porque a ellos?"

[Translation:What?!Why them?]

"Adaliah, no empieces, ¿los traes para la casa ahora, entendido?"

[Translation:Adaliah, don't start, are you bringing them home now, understood?]

"Esta bien"

[Translation: Alright]

"We are leaving for my house. Follow my car" I grab the bag that has the clothes that I even change in. They both nod and follow me to my house.

The front gate opens letting us in, I already told them to let the car behind me in. Since they were told to not let anyone except us in.

I stepped out of my car and waited for Lorenzo and his brother to get out. Once they got out , they followed me behind me to my father's office.

All you can hear in the hallway are my heels clicking on the floor, and the maid's bowing their head, as a sign of respect.

I slam the door open of my father's office. I see people sitting on the couch, their eyes wide when they see me and the Moretti brother behind me.

"Everyone out now" I coldly said, they got up and left fast. I nodded to Lorenzo and Giovanni to take a seat on the couch. I close the door and turn to my dad.

"Anything pa?" I asked him as I took a seat on the chair next to the couch in front of dad's desk.

Great, now Lorezno is next to me. UGH

"Nothing, they didn't leave any trace. The Japanese Mafia is sending people here to help us search for Estela." he said, as he looked between all three of us.

"Did you try tracing her phone?" Lorenzo asks him, as he reclines on the couch.

"We did but they turned her phone off. '' Dad replied. I tried to calm my anger before I did something I shouldn't do.

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