I rubbed my arms, trying to shake the chill that had dropped over me. I couldn't speak these doubts to Nikolai, and Alina was already way too set on the idea of finding the third amplifier that I didn't want to let her down.

"You know what we're up against," I said. "Time may not be enough."

"Os Alta is heavily fortified. It's close to the base at Poliznaya, and most important, it's far from both the northern and southern borders."

"Does that help us?"

"The Darkling's range is limited. When we disabled his ship, he wasn't able to send the Nichevo'ya to pursue us. That means he'll have to enter Ravka with his monsters. The mountains to the east are impassable, and he can't cross the Fold without Alina, so he'll have to come at us from Fjerda or Shu Han. Either way, we'll have plenty of warning."

"And the King and Queen will stay?"

"If my father left the capital, it would be as good as handing the country over to the Darkling now. Besides, I don't know that he's strong enough to travel."

I thought of Genya's red kefta. "He hasn't recovered?"

"They've kept the worst of it from the gossip, but no, he hasn't, and I doubt he will." He crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side. "Your friend is stunning. For a poisoner."

"She isn't my friend," I said clenching my jaw. "And she isn't any of your business."

I thought of Genya— her holding me at gunpoint, her fingers relaxing and tightening over the trigger. Her glossy ocean eyes, tears spilling down her cheek— stop it.

I can't think about that right now.

"And I doubt she used poison."

"She did something to him. None of his doctors can find a cure, and my mother won't let a Corporalki Healer anywhere near him," After a moment, Nikolai said, "It was a clever move, really."

My brows shot up, "Trying to kill your father?"

"The Darkling could have murdered my family easily enough, but he would have risked outright rebellion from the peasants and the First Army. With the King alive and kept in isolation, no one knew quite what was happening. The Apparat was there, playing the trusted adviser, issuing commands. Vasily was off someplace buying up horses and whores." He paused, looking out the window, and ran his fingers along its gilded edge. "I was at sea. I didn't hear the news until weeks after it was all over."

I waited, unsure if I should speak. His eyes were trained on the passing scenery, but his expression was distant.

"When word of the massacre in Novokribirsk and the Darkling's disappearance got out, all hell broke loose. A group of royal ministers and the palace guard forced their way into the Grand Palace and demanded to see the King. Do you know what they found? My mother cowering in her parlor, clutching that snuffly little dog. And the King of Ravka, Aleksander the Third, alone in his bed-chamber, barely breathing, lying in his own filth. I let it happen."

"You couldn't have known what the Darkling was planning, Nikolai. No one did."

He didn't seem to hear me. "The Grisha and oprichniki who held the palace on the Darkling's orders were caught in the lower town, trying to escape. They were executed."

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