chapter two.

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chapter two.
The Rise of a Grisha

THE GRISHA CHASED AFTER ME THROUGH THE first army camp. They shout orders, splitting up or straying close on my tail. I knew that once I'd started running that I would get caught, and once I got caught, I would be taken to General Kirigan and I wanted to desperately avoid that, but I knew my chances of that were slim.

I ran past many first army soldiers, who glanced over their shoulders as I ran past them, curiosity eating away at them most likely as to why I was running. The light in my palms had faded away after several attempts, it was mesmerizing and terrifying. But I didn't have time to stop and think about this 'power' thing. I was more afraid that I was going to get choked again by a heartrender.

I was about to turn down another road when some more Heartrenders suddenly appeared, from the direction I was about to charge down. My eyes widened as they drew back their arms and pushed them forward. A few feet away from me, was a tent, there was a gap that bridged two tents together, big enough for me to be able to get through with little trouble. I took a sharp turn through the gape, one of the heart renders shouting as I did.

I ran through, emerging back into the open, and ran straight, past more first army soldiers and tents. We were getting too close to town. Go even further and there will be more trouble that awaits on the other side.

I could go into the town and find a place to hide, but that wouldn't end well in my favor. They were far smarter than me, and they would find me by just listening to a single heartbeat. I could hear them shouting, rounding the corner, and pursuing me with everything they had, in a way it kind of made me admire them for not giving up as easily as I'd expected. But at the same time, it was just another reminder that these were heartrenders, General Kirigan's heartrenders and that I should never underestimate them.

I could feel my legs beginning to cramp the faster I ran, the sweat that began to trickle down my face, and the intake of air beginning to become a struggle. At least I was getting some exercise in.

My heart was pounding out of my chest, and the muscles in my legs starting to slow me down. I tried to push on, but eventually, it got worse. My muscles were aching too badly and I gave out, landing on the ground, panting, arms and legs shaking. I could hear the Grisha rounding up on me, circling me, making sure I had no way to escape.

I got on my knees, looking around, I was crowded by at least ten Grisha. "Don't more." One of them shouted, hands facing outward as if he were ready to stop my heartbeat at any given moment, "or I'll put you under."

I didn't know what to think or say at the moment, so I only nodded. Two Grisha came to my sides and gripped my elbows forcing me to my feet and started dragging me off toward General Kirigans tent.


I was dragged through the open flap of the Grisha tent, Heartrenders on either side of me. The inner walls of the tent were draped with cascades of bronze silk that caught the glimmering candlelight from a chandelier that sparked high above. The grounds were covered in various rich rugs and furs. Along the walls, shimmering silken partitions separated compartments where the Grisha clustered in their vibrant color Kefta's.

"Everybody out," the dark smooth voice boomed through the tent, suddenly making the Grisha turn their heads in its direction.

The Grisha left the tent in one sweep, the flap of the tent unhooking in the process and two Grisha standing outside.

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