'My champion! I think I found a solution!' Primus yelled in my head, really what? I thought, I walked over to a corner and just stared at a wall. 'Well, Optimus prime, and his team are going to try and defeat megatron, he has a huge machine with enough energy to get dark energon into his spark. If you get close enough to the control center and use your powers you might be able to use it to go home.' Primus explained, that sounds crazy, but it might just work. I thought.

Bee pov
Y/n is acting weirdly, she's standing in a corner looking at the wall, sam isn't really concerned for her. Ratchet is kind of looking at her and I weirdly. "She looks like she's having a conversation with someone." Ratchet whispered in my audio receptor.
":she's fine she's probably tired.:" I beeped out.
I knew it was a lie, but I can't let him think she's crazy.
Optimus is also kind is concerned for her.
Y/n out her hand in her, uh chin? And looked if she were thinking about something, she then put it down and smiled, she had a spark light up in her eyes. She's still staring at the wall.

Y/n pov
'I do believe you should tell them about your powers,' Primus stated, yeah I would like to but I don't know how am I going to explain it?
I asked, I put my hand down, and leaned against the wall. 'Trust me and them, they're ally's, no matter how you tell them they'll understand.' Primus stated, i leaned my head more the wall. I guess you're right. 'Yes, but I do caution restraint. You don't want to scare them or anyone.' Primus said. Yeah I'll tell them in bit.

I stood up correctly and walked outside, I noticed ratchet and bee and Optimus looking at me weirdly. I blew it off and walked far to the side and swiped both my hands to the side and flew up to the top of the canyon and sat down. I sat like I was meditating and closed my eyes, 'y/n, why are you trying to get into mikos dream?' Primus asked, "I'm trying to talk to her, she's probably sad." I said out loud.
Primus stayed quiet.
I took a deep breath and focused.
I felt different, like I was in a different climate.
I opened my eyes, and everything was different.
There were bright healthy apple trees, and i was sitting in soft long green grass.
, in the distance I could hear mikos voice and slash monkeys, and stood up and smiled it had a nice feeling, like happiness was being thrown around by everything.
I ran towards mikos voice. After a bit I saw her, "Miko!" I yelled, she turned an when she saw me she smiled and ran towards me, "Y/N! is it really you!?" Miko yelled, as she hugged me, I nodded, "yes it's me." I said, "y/n I missed you so much!" Miko said as she let go of me I could see tears threatening to fall. "Miko, look at me please." I said, she looked at me. "This is a dream. I had to use my powers to see you, and honestly it's kind of hard." Miko looked a bit disappointed "but hey! Look. I'm stuck in another universe. And I need you to tell the team I'm safe and I'm working on a way home. It might take awhile and I can't give you a definite date. But please, don't be sad." I said and I hugged her. "Another universe!?" Miko yelled, "that's so cool!" Miko let go of me, "but, please don't take too long, it's not the same here without you. The whole team is stressed out, especially ratchet, and jacks mom is missing you."
I nodded, "I expected that. But I'm trusting you Miko. Stay safe and please tell the team that's I'm safe." I said, she nodded and I let her go.
I opened my eyes and I was back on top of the canyon and still sitting down.
I sighed, 'you actually did it. Great job my champion!' Primus said, I smiled, thanks, 'but how can you be sure she'll tell them?' I know her.
I stood up, and looked down, to see bee standing outside looking for something, "hey bee!" I yelled, he turned and looked up. ":How did you get up there!?:" bee beeped, he had a shocked look on.
I jumped off the edge and bee started to panic a bit then I used my powers to fly down safely.
Bees mouth was gapping.
I chuckled, and Sam who is on bee shoulder chuckled. "Guess she didn't tell you yet." Sam said still laughing.
Bee pouted, "what's going out here?" Jazz asked as he walked out, it must have been a weird sight, sam laughing, bee pouting and me just standing there.
":y/n being a meanie:" bee beeped and turned his head. I chuckled and Sam laughed more.
Jazz was more confused.
I lifted my hands and used my magic.

"Can all humans do that?" Jazz asked, I shook my head

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"Can all humans do that?" Jazz asked, I shook my head. "Only me." I stated. Sam jumped down, "yeah she's a little different." Sam said, I chuckled and out my hands down. "Let's just go inside and explain this to ratchet and Optimus." I said, sam nodded and we walked inside. Bee and jazz followed, explaining was the hard part.

Hey! Author here, the next chapters gonna be awhile and I'm sorry, and I'm also sorry that this was bad and weird. Um, anyway have an amazing day or night bye!!
Word count : 2003

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