Stormy Seas Ahead

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Queen Clarion had left the room a while ago, leaving me and Hook in an awkward silence. We just stared at each other, his blue eyes looking like a sea before a storm. I finally sighed and shook my head. "Alright Hook, first things first. we need to totally change your look, get rid of the hook, and figure out what to call you other than Hook. We really don't want to cause mayhem in Pixie Hollow. After that we can go to the Pixie Dust Tree and get you some Pixie dust so I can teach you how to fly. We'll see what happens after that. Luckily, I know how to sew and can grow a flower here to get the material we need. We should probably also figure out if you have a fairy talent or not." I was pacing around at this point, and flicked my hand, not really paying attention to what kind of flower I grew, then looked over to see a red hibiscus.

"Wait wait wait." Hook held his hand up, a startled look on his face. "Can we do one thing at a time please?" I sighed and nodded my head.

"Okay, do you have another name we can call you?" I asked as I started to take the petals off of the hibiscus, holding them up to Hook's body.

he huffed, but nodded. "You can call me James."

"Alright then James, can you take off your hook for me?" he pouted at that, but took it off and placed it on a nearby table, giving me time to look at the scarred stump left behind. I set the hibiscus petals aside and grabbed one of the leaves, grabbing his arm so I could wrap the leaf around it, and pin it to sew it together later. I then set about measuring him so I could quickly cobble together a presentable out fit.

it was silent for a moment, but then James seemed to get antsy. "How would we see if I have a fairy talent?" he asked, pacing around the room.

"Well normally, it's a whole ceremony. When a new fairy arrives in Pixie Hollow, a group of fairies from every talent, those being animal, garden, tinker, water, fast-flying, season changer, artist, and dust keeper, gather and bring an object that represents their talent. Then the new fairy will go around and interact with each object until they find one that doesn't fall to the ground or disappear. Then Queen Clarion will give them a name that relates to their talent and they will be shown to their new home and be welcomed with open arms. There are plenty of sub-talents under the main ones, for instance, a garden fairy may specialize in herbs rather than flowers and become somewhat of a healer, or an animal fairy may tend more to baby animals than any other animals and become an animal nursery fairy, but they all fall into overall categories. for you it will probably be a lot different, but we'll see." I explained as I finished sewing James' new clothes, handing them to him then turning around so he could change.

"And when will we do that?" James asked as he finished. I turned back around and motioned for him to sit while I tried to decide what to do with his hair. It was rather long and obviously well taken care of, so I didn't want to just cut it all off, so I decided to braid it all together.

"We'll probably meet with Queen Clarion about it later after we get you some Pixie Dust, but now I think we also need to come up with a story for you to explain your sudden appearance..." I finished braiding his hair, then looked in my bag to see if I had anything to add. I found some pastel purple dye and decided to put it on the end of his braid, making sure to blend it into his natural hair.

James sighed, getting up to stretch as I finished and went right back to pacing. "We could say that a stray gust of wind made it so I could not get to Pixie Hollow and I just managed to get here by pure happenstance, and I lost my hand in an accident." I nodded in agreement, and stepped back looking out the window. 

"Sounds like a plan to me." I took another deep breath, then put James' hook in my bag. "Anyway, we got to go get you some pixie dust now. The dust dispensary isn't too far from here, then we can't start teaching you how to fly. James nodded, and I took his hand to guide him. with his hair away from his face, it was easy to see his features. His skin was tanned from time out in the sun, and that along with his other dark features really help his eyes pop. I kept coming back to his eyes. they were the clearest shade of blue I had ever seen and they made his emotions so easy to read. they were filled with wonder as we passed by a dust fall and worry as we saw none other than Tinkerbell herself fly by, she waved to us, but was obviously rushing to do something.

It had only taken a few moments for us to get to the dispensary where we met Fairy Gary, who smiled at as his eyes filled with curiosity at the newcomer. "Hello (Y/n)! How are ya?" I smiled at him as we got to his counter, pulling James up next to me. 

"Hello Fairy Gary. I'm doing well, and yourself?" 

"I'm doin' great. Now, how is this that ya got with ya?" He smiled kindly at James, who relaxed a little and responded with a smile of his own.

"This is James. He was a lost fairy. He lost his hand in some sort of accident that he won't elaborate on, but now he needs some Pixie Dust. He's never flown before, so Queen Clarion has asked that I teach him." Fairy Gary nodded, then reached behind him for a bag of Pixie Dust.

"That should do ya. Good luck, and welcome home James." James seemed shocked at Fairy Gary's kindness, but smiled back and thanked him. Now the real tests began. 

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