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"That guy. That's the voice."

I said to the detective. I was sure of it. Apparently, the guy was also in on the drive-by, but he wasn't talking. I didn't recognize his face in the lineup.

"Maybe your little boyfriend knows," Ray scowled, "What are you doing with a guy like that, Tori?"

I didn't answer. The less people knew about me, the better.

Eerily enough, Tommy recognized all of them.

"They like to hang out with the girls I'd bring in. I didn't know they were this fucked up, though. I thought they just liked to party."

I noticed Tommy cared what I thought about him now more than ever. I didn't judge what he'd done. He was redeeming himself now.

"Your dad was a good guy," One of the officers was saying to me.

"Oh, hey Amy" I waved. Amy worked on internal affairs where my dad frequented the last few years.

"Better than most of these bums," Amy whispered, "You want my opinion?"

I hesitated. What the hell was Amy doing? She pulled me into an interview room.

"You know, watch your back," Amy warned, "I get what's happened to you the last few days seems coincidental, but nothing is coincidence."

"What do you mean?"

Amy opened the door and nodded at Tommy who was still standing guard.

"Has it ever occurred to you that everything is connected?"


"Nothing is random, Tori."

This woman was speaking in code and we both jumped when Tommy opened the door.


Ray and a few others ushered us out.

"We're going to hold these guys, of course. They were caught red-handed for the drive-by."

"Do you know what happened at the hospital?" Ray asked me.


"Apparently a bus load of girls were taken there. They claim they were being trafficked. "

"I've no idea," I lied.

"Human trafficking is a lucrative business, Tori. People will be displeased if they don't get what they ordered. "

I nodded.

"Of course. I'm sure anyone would be angry, but what's this got to do with me?"

"Your friend was a pimp?"


"Yeah, he'd be mad. Just be careful. I don't trust him–even if you're putting him on the straight and narrow. "

"Yes sir... "

The enemies just kept on multiplying.


Not sure I believed Amy, but it made sense. I was overly protective of Tori now and whatever tips we could get were greatly appreciated.

Glenn stopped talking to just about everyone unless he trusted them with his life. Hazel and Lexi didn't come around much anymore, but only because Glenn was busy keeping an eye on Donnie and Shane and had told the girls to lay low. They were upset that the couldn't hang out with Tori, but they also understood.

Shane was calm and collected, but that was his nature. Donnie was hot headed and loud, but he seemed to become more distant.

"Eyes on both," I told Glenn as we headed out to visit our dad. I didn't know where to put Tori so I figured one of us would go in and see him and the other could stay with her.

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