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So of course I spent most of the night paranoid and crying.

Why did I have to be such a baby?

Tommy shrugged as he rolled over onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow to face me, "You are a naughty little girl now."

I shook my head.

"You're not helping!"

Tommy chuckled, "Tori, don't worry about it. I'd rather you not be a complete basket case. Hell, I didn't even hit the diner. " He confessed.

"W-what?" I sat up. It was weird, but I felt comfortable lying next to him in his big, cozy bed, "Huh? "

Tommy laughed, heartily, his bare chest making a low growl as he came down from whatever he found to be funny

"It was a test, Tori, and you didn't fail me," Tommy said as I just glared at him hoping laser beams would jolt out of my eyes and into his face, "You're free to go."

I looked around the room. It was probably around 3 in the morning and pouring rain outside so I slammed myself back down onto the pillow and huffed.


"Why what?" Tommy mumbled, having rolled onto his back, "Why did I test you? Loyalty. You aren't gonna talk and I know it, but I'm still keeping an eye on you. Why are you in my bed? Because I'm eventually going to fuck you and this is where you'll want to be. "

I laughed, "Yeah no. "

He huffed and rolled over, facing the other way, "Go to sleep, Loomis. "

"But, -"

"Unless you're moaning my name, I don't want to hear your gums flapping anymore. Good NIGHT! "

I was a little surprised that he was being so cold to me. What happened to him from the time of the fake hit to now?


Fucking Glenn.

He'd fucked it up for me and now? Now I had to give her up. For some insane reason, I didn't want to.

I liked her attitude. Albeit she was an asshole at times, but so was I. It's like the universe was laughing at us because I never thought I'd be sharing a bed with Tori Loomis and damn she looked like a fucking angel when she was sleeping.

I'd let her have half a Xanax before bed and she was actually receptive and took it. Corrupting someone was always so easy for me, but she was so naive –even Lexi and Hazel were not saints when they got involved with us, but Tori? She might as well have been one.

I watched her for some time. She ended up curling up into my arms with her head resting on my bare chest. I knew she didn't mean to,but I held her anyway. When she rolled over and turned away from me, I felt cold.

I didn't want to hold her so I pushed myself further away. It was best for her.

It wasn't until thunder crashed outside when I rolled over and felt around for her,but she wasn't there. I looked to my bathroom and the light was off, the door open.


I heard a scream



"I-I didn't see anything! Please don't hurt me!" I felt like I was begging for my life and I wasn't about to call for Tommy, but I wanted to.

Donnie and Shane loomed over me, placing me on the couch, guns drawn and pointed right at my face.

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