Prologue 1

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"Chief, chief!!"

 This was an excavation site of the ruins of the "Old Civilization" near the western edge of the Kingdom of Altfalia.

 It was already midnight, and a large bonfire had been set up around the site, surrounded by mountains and a lake, illuminating the area with a fantastic light.

 Edmond, the deputy chief of the excavation team, rushed toward the frame tent that had been set up for rest, shaking his huge muscular body with a bald head.

 Under the tent, the team leader, Albert, and his daughter, Alicia, were having tea, reviewing the progress so far across a table with a site plan spread out on it.

 They were both archaeologists, studying the ancient civilization called the 'Old Civilization', which was said to have flourished 10,000 years ago but suddenly died out.

"Oh, my God, what are you doing, drinking tea at a time like this!!"

 Normally, Edmond was not so fussy about things as his appearance would suggest, but now he was looking frantic.

"Calm down, Ed. What's the matter? Is everything all right?"

 Albert asked soothingly.

 He was in his mid-fifties, with the intellectual features of an archaeologist, a dapper mustache, and the elegant air of a cultured man. Although his hair was gray, his complexion was tanned from years of excavation work, and he seemed to have the muscles necessary for the job.

 His daughter Alicia, on the other hand, was still young, with clear skin, waist-length blond hair pulled back, and long, deep blue eyes that exuded intelligence. She was beautiful but not coldish, and her cheerful smile gave off a friendly and lively vibe.

"Have you seen a ghost or something?", asked Alicia.

"No, no, no. It is a coffin! Something that looks like a coffin has been found!"


 Both of them jumped up, shouting in unison as if Edmond's excitement had been transferred to them.

 Although relics of the 'Old Civilization' had been discovered in numerous places, the finding of a coffin was virtually unprecedented in the history of archaeology. Only two coffins had been discovered until now, the most recent one 30 years ago, and the one before that, 1000 years ago. If true, this would be the discovery of the century.

"That's right. We are in the process of digging it out, but it seems to be in relatively good condition. Linz is on it."

"All right, take us to it right away. Mister Gaius, I want you to come too, just to be on the safe side.

"I will."

 An elderly man who was standing a short distance away and watching the situation nodded. He was a rather small man, not young, but a mercenary who accompanied the excavation team as a guard with a few of his men.

 When the group arrived at the site, a white box resembling a coffin had already been dug up. It was lit orange because of the bonfire nearby.

 The coffin was larger than most and had a smooth, slightly rounded shape. It seemed to be made of an unfamiliar metal with a lustrous surface.

 A young man with the appearance of a scholar was already crouching down beside the coffin, looking at it intently. It was Linz, another member of the team, a young scholar.

 The villagers, who had been brought to excavate the site as laborers, were perhaps a little reserved and somewhat apprehensive, standing back and watching from a distance.

"How is it going, Linz"

 Albert called out, immediately crouching down next to the coffin and beginning to examine it.

"I believe it is the same one that was found thirty years ago."

"It was empty at the time, right?" asked Alicia.

"Yes. There were no mummies or bones inside, so it is believed that it may have been unused after all."

 Linz was a few years older than her, but he usually spoke in a polite and calm manner. But now, perhaps because he was excited about this discovery, he sounded a little nervous.

"I hope that this time, even a fragment of bone will be left behind."

"Yes, me, too.", Linz replied.

"All right, folks. Let's open it up. If it is the same kind of coffin, it should have a mechanism to open the lid, and there should be a button somewhere."

 They put their heads to the bottom of the coffin and began probing with their hands.

"Here it is!"

 Edmond, who was on the foot side of the coffin, raised himself up, keeping his finger on something on the lower part of the coffin. He seemed to have his finger on a button. Albert and Linz also heard this and immediately raised themselves up.

 Alicia stood nearby, watching intently.

"Shall I press it?"

 Edmond looked at Albert nervously.

 Gaius, the guard, stood one step away from him, staring at him warily.

"Do it."

 Albert nodded emphatically.

"Yes, sir. Here we go."

 With a slightly tense voice, Edmond pressed the button.

 There was a sound like a sudden leak of gas, and the lid of the coffin split open vertically down the middle. A haze of cold air flooded out from the gap.

 With the hum of the machine running, the entire lid spread out to the left and right, and both parts were stored inside the coffin.

 Then came a shock.


"This is ......."

"What the ......"

 People gasped loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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