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"Thanks for the ride." Jules says getting out the car.

"Thanks for the car." I smile.

"See you soon."

"Wait! What happened to your car?" I ask.

"I gave it to Hugo."

"But that means you don't have a car."

"I have a bike, it's fine."


"Good night, y/n."


Babi 😜

Can u take me to school?

Can Nick not take u?

He's busy

He's got a doctor's appointment


I'm on my way


I get into the car and start driving to Babi's. I put my playlist on full blast through the Bluetooth and all the windows are down.

Incoming call from Unknown

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hugo gave me your number."

"Who's this?"


"Heyy, how are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Good, on my way to school."

"Are you doing anything after?"

"Probably not, why?"

"Come to the lake with me."

"But I don't want to go back home and get changed."

"Then don't, I'll bring a jacket with me and you can wear it after."

"Bring a hoodie aswell incase I get cold. Make sure it's really big!"

"I will, so do you want to meet at the lake?"

"I'll just leave my car in the school car park, pick me up after school."

"I'll see you after school, I'll park right by the entrance."

"Bye, Alejandro."

"Bye, y/n."

"I'm so hungry, do you have any food?" Babi asks getting into the car.

"I only got the car last night!"

"Is there anything in your bag?"

"There's a cereal bar in there, you can have it."

"I'm so hungry!"

"Alejandro called. He's taking me to the lake after school." I say changing the subject.

"What about the car?"

The Road To Love [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now