Danganronpa V3: A keepsake (Oumatsu & Saimatsu) 💔⏳

Start from the beginning

The camera cut back in, putting an end the puzzle it left and the uncertainty lurking, as it showed his bloody body in full view in the outline of calk. Stained were the walls and floor near his body, then finally, the screen showed faceless mannequins with only their eyes to express their emotion, they surrounded his body, a glare of disgust on all their faces as they stared at the lifeless body that once was the ultimate detective Shuichi Saihara, it was a cold, killing glare that made you feel pins and needles on your skin.

This is what Shuichi felt when that man looked at him, true distain, hatred. An icky, gross feeling creeped onto my skin. I gripped my arms, my sleeves crumpled up at my tightening grasp. My knees fell weak, and my butt touched the floor.
I felt I would rip my own skin off if someone didn't say a word in the next few moments.
1, silence.
2, a gasp of air.
3, someone's footsteps.
4, I readied myself.
5, I took a deep breath.
6, someone tapped my shoulder.
I looked back; Kokichi, he had a pity filled expression, it was one of venerability a look not fitting of the childish him I knew.
I'd never seen him this sensitive and sincere, it wasn't like the him I had known these last few days to show his true emotions. His eyes fell, they were not the cheeky all-knowing eyes I knew before, they were full of concern, concern from a leader to his underling, as he pat my shoulder.
I wanted to cry, the underline of my eyes felt wet. I took his hand, finding myself crying into it.
He was offering.

Very soon, I heard almost everyone crying in that room, of course there were people like Maki and Korekiyo who kept their emotions in check, but even they, were disgusted and weeped in their own way, Maki shot a killing glare towards Monokuma, her face darkened. And there were others like Angie, who I believe used delusions or maybe even forced herself to smile through the pain. Even the most collected of us like Kirumi, were showing signs of waterworks.
We are children, we're not made for this.
Yet in the mist of all this, stood strong a boy, perhaps the shortest of us, his purple hair, and eyes, he sat on a throne of lies so tall not even this killing game could topple it; the ultimate supreme leader, Kokichi Ouma.

My crying had ceased, Kokichi made sure of that by giving me a quick hug, I fell into it, he was on one knee while I was splat on the floor and gripped onto his petite shoulder. He was cold, the kind of cold, I needed to knock me back to reality. We held that position for how ever long it was till my weeping had passed.

Then he went back to his usual nature, or was that just now his nature. I may never know. Why did he only comfort me, I'd like to think I was special, but, instead I believe it was because I had taken the role of "Leader" in this group of confused teenagers, that he comforted me, so I could stand against him with the others and find common ground in this school for gifted juveniles.
He stood strong, using insults and wicked remarks to rile up the group, he made them focus on him, he was the only one making noise in that silent courtroom, he used their dislike and turned it into hated, to stop them from being blue, and pushed them to move forward, if they had someone to blame, wouldn't that make it easier?

What a strong and perfect undefeated leader, I found myself saying in my head. I needed to be strong as well, to be able to stand beside that leader, even if it was impossible, and I was just a shape-goat for the true leader to hide in the shadows, that was fine.
He marched ahead paving a path for us to follow, he wanted us to chase, disperse his lies, he made us work together against a common enemy who we perceived as evil and pure malice. How much hurt was inside your heart, Kokichi? Are you just a liar? The embodiment of a lie? people can see you as so many different things. A psychopathic and pathological liar, or a misunderstood liar, or a kind person underneath all those lies you spew.

You are too selfless, "no, you are evil," I will say in a lie and I will play along, with this game of charades. That you yourself crafted.
The prefect lie, to get us together. Though you mocked his death, I saw the crinkles in your eyes, the black void that was sorrow.
You had showed me your plan, your eyes changed when you faced me, when you gave me comfort moments ago, your eyes spoke the truth.

The truth is, you are-

And a liar, who's also an idiot but who's also so very clever.
You who lead the wings of hope, hoping to break that rule of only two people surviving.

You and me, though we fight the same battle, you are in the shadows craving the course, while I lead the charge in the light.

Maybe, I've come to love two people on this journey, two people who no longer live, in this reality.
My two first loves, first a boy who always wore a cap and who was shy and timid but also clever and determined, second, a boy with violet eyes and hair, hid and lied away his true emotions, to the point I couldn't tell if he liked me or not.
Both I admire, but cannot be with. In my rose filled head, I image a world, where this killing game never happened and we all lived together as regular classmates, whether I fell in love with them in that perfect dream, I'll never know.

Finally we made it out. Only three of us remained, and we fought for the future, that everyone else, who died gave to us.

-Author's footnote
This one is basically just me wishing that Kaede was the one who survived chapter one, I love both of them but I liked how Kaede unlike the previous protagonists who were pretty self-depriving (mainly Makoto being insecure about how ordinary he was and Hajime feeling the uncertainty if he really was an ultimate student) she was really confident, and also we haven't gotten a female protagonist in the main games, (sorry Komaru) and though Shuichi is a really great protagonist in my eyes, I just really wanted someone who was really confident and who didn't have any insecurities about their talent.
Well I still think the twist was great just kinda wish it was the other way round, but that's why fan-fiction is the greatest I can just write about what I wished happened!

Author Shea signing off!

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