my name is whatever you decide

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here we are. chapter two. i'm currently on eight so this happened a little bit ago but i love this story so much and really hope you all are as well. anyway lmk your thoughts and enjoy <3

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Kate stiffens, mind on the knife strapped to her thigh and the electrocution disk under her watch face. She manages a cool exterior, "What are you talking about?"

"Jesus Christ, Kate Bishop," Yelena pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger, and Kate can't help but wonder why she's being so visibly frustrated. One of the first things that she learned when she joined SHIELD was to not show her weaknesses, and that's exactly what Yelena's doing right now.

Her Russian accent falls heavy on her words as she exclaims, "I am working! What the hell are you doing here? This was supposed to be a big movie for me!"

"This is a big movie for Alexandra Vostokoff, you jackass! Who you aren't, by the way," Kate retorts, her defenses completely thrown down at the stupid shit coming out of the blonde's mouth, "God, seducing me? What is wrong with you? You have a boyfriend!"

"I am single!" Yelena retorts, kicking her heels off. When their eyes meet again, something sad seems to be brewing in them, catching Kate off guard. "We broke up a month ago. It's just not... we didn't want a public break up."

Kate furrows her eyebrows, "So the flirting with me was..."

"Oh, I just needed a way to get you up here," Yelena retorts, "It worked, though? I mean, I know I'm good but that's quite the confirmation. You didn't think that was real, did you?"

Kate can't help but be a little hurt by that even though it's hypocritical to feel that way - she was only going along with it to get information out of Yelena - but it still hurts. Joke's on her for thinking someone really wanted to fuck her.

She swallows. This is not the time for stupid hurt feelings. There's no time for friends in this business, or much less, relationships.

Being alone is for the greater good at this point.

"So you brought me up here to yell at me?" Kate asks, leveling her a glare. Two can play at this game. "It's a lot of effort to go through just to kill someone."

"I don't need to kill you. I don't need to kill anyone, to be completely honest," Yelena shrugs a little and then twirls a piece of her hair around her fingers, "I just need to know what you know. That's all."

"That's all?"

"You've been following me for six years!" Yelena responds, "Excuse me if I want to know what you have on me, maybe correct a few pieces."

Oh my god, she's crazy.

"You've been tracking for me for almost that long," Kate responds, crossing her arms, "What do you know about me?"

Aside from the fact that my name is Kate Bishop, apparently.

"Your name is Katherine Elizabeth Bishop. You're the same age as me, minus almost a year because your birthday is so late - though being a Sagittarius suits you. You were orphaned at twelve years old after your mother died, your father died when you were eight, and Clint Barton took you under his wing when you were fourteen years old. And at sixteen, you established a deep cover and started working in the entertainment industry as Beth Duquesne. The only people that know your real name are Nick Fury, Clint Barton, his wife, and me."

Yelena smirks a little, never breaking eye contact with her, "You're also not a virgin."

That statement charges the room with an energy that Kate doesn't have time to address, but the next sentence falls out of her mouth before she can stop it, "You know my sexual history?"

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