Chapter fourteen

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I found out a scary truth today..... My dog loves my neighbor more than me..... What I ever did to deserve this betrayal, I shall never know.

POV Bellatrix

I can't describe the fear I felt when Mr Malfoy asked me that question, they were my mates, they would know it if I lied and I can't exactly say ' from Dumbledore ' can I? the silence grew thicker, i turned away, Mr Malfoy sighed, 

- We'll talk about his later-  professor Snape nodded before speaking 

- The potion should be ready in a couple of hours...- he probably was going to say something else but i ran out of the room as quickly as i could, three sighs echoed behind me, Draco decided to stay behind i guess, because i couldn't hear him behind me. It didnt matter, all i was worried about was how to make sure my mates didn't mess with my plans, i would have to rebuild them around them, after all i doubt that they will leave me alone after they figure out the fact that they are all my mates, at least they haven't met up with the Weasley twins, if that happens any time soon i can kiss my plans of revenge on Dumbledore goodbye. As soon as i finished those thoughts two hands were laid on my shoulders, i jumped, i gasp of fright unwillingly leaving me

- Shh, sweetheart

- Its only us

i breathed out in relief and turned to face them smiling softly

- Hi   

George grinned 

- You hear that Gred? Our little kitten said hello!

fred mock fainted

- I cant believe it Forge, her acknowledging lowly us!

i laughed lightly and they both grinned at me

- So, kitten

- wha'ch you running from?

i blushed and looked away

- nothing

they frowned

- Is there someone who needs to be brutally pranked?

- We could have a bogart follow them?

- put itching powder in their pants ?

- charm a bulger to follow them around?

- turn their hair into worms?

i decided to stop them before the list of pranks could grow even more violent 

- no, none of that, everything really is fine

- you sure?-Fred asked looking concerned. I smiled at them 

-  yes, sorry i havent finished unpacking, I'll see you around?

- yes, of course- they both said at the same time, i smiled again and walked away barely catching with my enhanced hearing

- We're so lucky, arnt we Forge?

- We sure are Gred

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