Chapter eight POV Bellatrix

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After changing in the bathroom I headed to find an empty compartment and by accident stumbled into a practically full one, I apologized and tried to run but my mate whose energy I had felt for the first time just minutes ago, ordered me to sit, I couldn't protest the bastard knew the power he held over me, this wasn't good I tried to escape a conversation by getting out my book but the boy across from me wouldn't have it
" I'm Blaise, this is Greg, Vincent, theo and your sitting next to Draco
I nodded if it wasn't rude I would have kept my name to myself, but I had always prided myself with the fact that I no matter what never forgot my manners
" Bellatrix"
Draco smiled
" Can I call you Trixie?"
I shrugged, secretly happy with the nickname
" I don't mind, though others normally call me Bella"
The boys all frowned at my words and Greg carefully asked
" You mean that's what your friends call you?"
I shook my head
" I don't have any friends, just family and acquaintances "
With that I went back to reading my book and the rest of the trip went by In a shocked silence,
Time skip
When we arrived at the station a voice suddenly called out
" f'rst years! F'rst years!"
I flinched and my mate noticing this clenched his fist, I quickly put my hand on top of his and made it seem like an accident, he calmed down and I got up to get my luggage but Draco put a hand on my shoulder and I unfortunately, flinched again, he frowned but hid it when I looked at him, he didn't know that I had excellent side vision.
" Leave it, the house elfs will move it to your dorm when you are at the feast"
I nodded and smiled at him, he relaxed and his friend blaze stood up
" Come on we'll walk you to hangrid"
I nodded again and followed the group with Draco next to me.
     It was something alright, the castle, the only light source on a cliff above the dark waves of the black lake, we got into boats and crossed the water, from the energy coming from the depths I could tell, the lake held many secrets and the keepers had already notice me, I wonder, will they qualify me as a friend or foe?
After the boats had docked we were led through winding halls with many staircases, twists and turns before we arrived in front of large monogamy doors, a professor was standing in front of them I recognized her as professor McGonagall from the order meetings she looked down at us with her usual stern gaze before starting her speech
" Welcome to Hogwarts, just behind these doors is the Great hall where you will be sorted into your house, there are four houses:
Griffendor - the brave
Ravenclaw- the witty
Hufflepuff - the kind and loyal
And Slitherin - the cunning"
She frowned slightly in carefully hidden distaste as she announced the last house, great, house prejudice
" When I call your name, you will come up to me and sit on a stool, I will put the sorting hat on your head, after it announces your house you will take a seat at the table"
A sighed of relief echoed through the hall evidently many older siblings had over exaggerated the sorting ceremony, I rolled my eyes.
We were marched through the hall and led up to the stage I wasn't paying attention to the sorting, I could feel all five of my mates here and was praying that they couldn't distinguish my energy out of the mass of others, so far, so good, then they called me
" Lestran-nge B-bellatrix"
McGonagall stuttered slightly and everyone fell quiet, yes, I knew my mother was feared, but I didn't know that it was that much, I put on a mask of indifference, stepped up to the stool, McGonagall lowered the hat on to my head and I heard it loud and clear
" Bella, I remember your mother and father, both proud Slitherins, let's see, ah yes certainly witty enough to be ravenclaw, loyal enough to be a Hufflepuff, in fact too loyal, and merciless to those who betray you, a secret trate that not many know also belongs to Slitherin, and brave enough to be a griffendor, but you lack recklessness that the house is most famous for..... Ah yes.... I know just where to place you....... SLITHERIN!!!!!!!!!!
The hall went silent for a few seconds before the slitherin table erupted in cheers(though they were slightly composed, after all, the house of snakes don't show emotion) I smiled slightly and made my way to the table.
I felt it before it was even cast, the energy build up and it's intent, the curse was feble, magic protesting against harming me, I didn't even look at the caster, I kept walking, sending the curse back, I heard a quiet gasp of pain from the teachers table, I didn't turn around, let whoever sent it think I have warding spells, no-one else noticed anything and I'd like to keep it that way....

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