Chapter two POV Snape

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Time skip
Two weeks later
I don't know what I expected when I walked into dumbuldors secret base, but it was definitely not what I was met with, the Weasley twins surprisingly absent, Sirius and Remus trying to close the curtain on the portrait of black's mother, Miss Granger spewing nonsense about something called spew to Mister Weasley. Yes while all that was interesting and I have to admit rather amusing, the thing that caught my eye and enraged me was Misses Weasley throwing anything that she could put her hands on at a sleek black cat, or rather a young kitten.
"You little swine! It was you who ate the chocolate cake that I left out for Arthor! You are always stealing food! In fact I bet that it was you who ate that cupcake yesterday!"
I clenched my fist, but didn't move from my place at the door, thinking that someone would tell her off, Ginny Weasley looked up from playing with Miss Granger's cat, I expected her to stop her mother but to my surprise she instead egged her on
" Yeah! And she also ate the cookies that were on the counter !"
I couldn't take it anymore quickly walking up to the poor animal hiding from Misses Weasley under the kitchen cupboards and carefully pulled her out, she went limp in my hands too terrified to fight, my frown grew even bigger
" Whose cat is she?"
My calm drawl seemed to get everyone's attention, Sirius, finally succeeding in closing the curtains of his mother's portrait turned to face me
"She belongs to my niece"
" And is her cat prone to stealing food?"
Sirius shook his head and Remus also turned to me
" Actually she's allergic to chocolate"
Sirius gave him a confused look and Remus elaborated
" I dropped some of my hogsmade chocolate and....."
He didn't get to finish before Ginny screeched
" Well if she ate your chocolate, whose to say she didn't eat the deserts?"
Miss Weasley was for some reason trying to get the cat in trouble, but why?...... unless........I looked into her mind and of course it was her, she was the one who was stealing the food! I tightened my hold on the cat unconsciously again but loosened it when I heard a destressed mewl, so quiet that I almost missed it, like the kitten was afraid of getting in trouble for being in pain, something was not right.
"Miss Weasley, blaming the cat won't take the blame off of you especially in a room full of Wizards who, quite frankly, can read your mind"
Everyone looked at Ginny and she blushed bright red, then of course lupin decided to finish the story
" You know she wouldn't touch the chocolate until I put it in her bowl, and this is Sirius's house Molly you can't disregard that his niece's cat's right to everything is more than yours, she was here first."
And as much as I despise Remus I was thankful for him standing up for the cat. I moved the kitten so that she could dig her claws into my robes on my shoulder, I always had a soft spot for cats especially ones as cute as her, suddenly Sirius turned to me startled
" You know, you are the only one, she has ever let pick her up, other than the twins, and even than it took a a day for her to get used to them"
For some odd reason that information lit a candle in my soul, but I didn't show it
" It's probably the stress"
I expected her to tire of me and jump down during dinner, but she didn't seem to want to leave my side at all, in fact I had to pull her off of me when it came time to leave, she didn't fight but the look of betrayal was evident in her eyes, as I handed her off to Fred.
Time skip
Two months later
as I walked with dumbledore through the doors of the base I quickly opened my arms to catch the little black ball of fur that launched herself at me, I was used to this, the affection, the trust and most of all the energy that I could feel, it was submissive, which most wasn't, and it felt like IT had before..... I shook my head and pushed the thought away. dumbledore had never seen how kitten greated me and shook his head in surprise, laughing quietly to himself
" She sure loves you Serverus"
I didn't answer silently petting the little thing as she shook with what I knew to be excitement, we moved to the room in the back where the secret meetings took place, no-one was surprised to see me with the kitten, she clinged to me as we made our way to the seat towards the end,
Time skip
The meeting was taking longer than usual and kitten had fallen asleep in my lap as I petted her, Molly had suddenly gotten up, when the others returned from retrieving Harry, we could hear her leading him upstairs after closing the door, the meeting carried on after a while kitten started whimpering quietly, great, someone was yelling upstairs, no I couldn't hear it but she could, and she only did this when someone is yelling, at her or otherwise, it didn't matter, both scared her, Arthur, probably taking his tone from Molly turned to me.
" Serverus will be so kind to shut up your cat?"
That comment earned him glares from, McGonagall, Sirius, Remus and me
He quickly pretended to be invested in the papers in front of him, I nodded my thanks to the other defenders of kitten she soon stopped whimpering and fell asleep again, the meeting went on for a bit before ending, I regretted having to wake her up, but I had to leave, she wined a little but let me go, Molly asked me to stay for dinner but I knew that after the kitten incident I wasn't welcome, so I declined, politely leaving, I wasn't coming back until next summer, since Hogwarts started, I walked a while before apparating, enjoying the fresh air, I will definitely miss my kitten........

Their neko mate ( Weasley twins X oc X Malfoy L&D X Snape)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя