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I have been obsessed with romantic comedy movies, and would do anything to have my life like it is on TV. As for my lovely mother — romcom movies are only for girls. I am a boy, and I don't care what anyone says about me. We are in the 21st century, so majority of people would agree with me. For years, I was dubbed as the class clown based on my humour, that's why they like about me. Although, I admire the enthusiasm on my personality, and it's just... I can make someone smile but not even myself. I freaking sound like a depressed boy right now, trust me, I am not like them. Now I sound like I am judging - BUT STILL! You get the jizz. I am also a hopeless romantic, which means that I continue to believe in love, despite all of the past relationships I have had, and find love in the positive things, and not the negative ones. I wasn't always a ladies man as a kid, but still managed to pull off one of the girls in my class. That results to my 7 year old little heart, of course, heartbroken, shattered into pieces.

"Hey Ethan!" A familiar voice walks in the classroom, I didn't heard the voice quite well because I was busy doodling on my notebook, and wearing headphones. "I see the class clown is busy. I thought being a clown is already a hobby of yours." And I heard the voice once again, through the padded speakers on my ears. I was getting irritated by the annoying voice, but went on to ignore it. I decided to stop focusing on my notebook, when I looked around, I saw her. Her blonde hair was flying with the wind in the nearby window in her seat, she was sitting 2 seats away from me in the second row, even though I couldn't see her face that much, and maybe because she was staring at the window; admiring the nature outside, sunlight hitting from her beautiful face. She is Louise. Our class president. The perfect student, and the perfect girl you can imagine.

"What you look at that, the class clown is admiring at our president again." This time, another voice was heard, I turned around to see Lola. Her curly black hair; with a grinning smile from ear to ear, staring at me as if there is fiery balls was coming out in her eyes; glowing rapidly the more she stared at me from the distance, observing my every move. "What do you want now, Lola?" I crossed my arms and looked at her, waiting for an answer. “You see, clownboy. Just give up already.” Instead of the grinning smile she always puts on her face, it was a more mischievous grin. Almost playing games with me, which I don't like it. I rolled my eyes at her, “Don't tell me what to do.” and went on to focus to do what I like to do most, that is to watch her. Not in a creepily way, but rather, Admiring you from afar.

The school bell rang, it means it is the afternoon and time for lunch! As I stand up from my seat, I watched her again, walking out of the class, with her best friend, Charlie Lintz. I had a thought of him that he might be homosexual, or people like to call it "gay". Although, I don't care what they have to say, I just hope one day people have to stop labeling things that aren't supposed to be labeled as they are. The more I stare at her, the more I want her to like me. Not for my looks nor humorous self, but for the real me. You get what I mean? You might be thinking that I should already give up, because no way a guy like me could like her. What? The class clown and class president? A perfect pair? That's absurd. I stood in place for a minute, I didn't notice that I hadn't moved a single inch after Louise walked out of the classroom. Until my friend, Waylen, snapped his fingers in front of me. “Hey hey, Earth to Ethan?” I blacked out, again. This always happens to me. I shake my head and turn my head to face Waylen, “What? Sorry?” I smiled nervously, looking at him. He has the face that must be worried about me again. “I hear the butterflies again in your stomach. Honestly, you should stop, Ethan.” He put his arm around my shoulder and offered to walk with him to the cafeteria for lunch.

As we walked every corridors of the school to the cafeteria, I kept thinking about Waylen's statement. I was taken aback by it, now feeling discouraged about myself, however, I shouldn't be worried about it too much. When we arrived, there was her, talking to her friends. Without doing anything, she always left me in awe, as if she is an actual goddess. And if she were one, she would be Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. “Uhm, I got you one already because you were blacking out again.” The next thing I remember, I was sitting with Waylen, and some other kids that I don't know. “What the– How did I??” And once again, Waylen put his arm around my shoulder, “You're welcome.” He continued on eating his lunch, as well as the rest of the kids that we were sitting with. It was dead awkward silence for a whole 5 minutes, I didn't eat anything for the session but, my stomach says otherwise who broke the silence.

Hey, you should eat, you know?” One of the kids in front of me said, I don't know her though. I leaned in closer to Waylen, who was sitting next to me, and whispered, “I am gonna do it. Right here, and right now.” I stand up from my seat, and decided on I should confess to her. I was nervous, I was sweaty, and this is the moment I have been scared to do. As I walked to Louise's table, it feels like around me was silent, like I couldn't hear a thing. I took deep breaths and calm myself down. I was finally at her table, chatting with other girls that supposed her friends. Without hesitation, I put my hand on top of the table, lean in a little, locking my eyes at Louise, with a smirk on my face. “Say uh Louise, would you wanna hang out with me? Just for funzies, you know?” I had the full confidence, surely nothing could ruined a moment like this, right? “Are you asking me out, Banks?” I was standing now, not in the leaning position before, with eyes wide and raising an eyebrow to her, “Well... Would you be disappointed if it was?” I laughed nervously, with a small smile on my face, putting my hands on my hips. Until.. my stomach rumbled, like loudly, that almost the whole cafeteria heard it. I was screwed big time.. I was shocked. Louise giggled at me, she raised an eyebrow, “Oh, I appreciate it, Banks. But I am not interested in anyone at the moment, nor dating anyone in general.” It felt like the world around me was shattered like a glass being thrown into the ground. I was heartbroken. My eyes went wide, and I stood in place again, not moving a muscle. “You should really eat buddy. Here. Take my PB&J sandwich.” Louise thrown the sandwich at me, and I catched it. Looking at the sandwich and back to her, “See you in class.

My eyes were getting watery, but I didn't want to let it out just now. I turned around, Waylen was standing there, breathing heavily. “I told you many times to stop! But you just kept walking and walking like you ignored me!” He was on the ground, still catching up his breath for trying to stop me to confess to Louise, but there was no use. I'd done it. If I have the power to go back in time, I would gladly do so right about now to stop preventing to confess to her. “Told you!” The same girl who told me to eat, which specifically I didn't. The rest of the day was just me, thinking about that embarrassing moment, so much that I didn't payed attention throughout the lessons. I went home with a upside down smile on my face, that my Dad even noticed. “Woah buddy, what's with the frown? You feeling down today?” I put my back on the ground, went over to the living room and sat down on the couch. Covering my face with my hands, audibly screaming, “Girls are no use for me, Dad! Why do they call me a 'ladies man' while I am a hopeless romantic at the same time? That doesn't even make sense at all! Sure I am good looking or whatever, BUT STILL!” It was infuriating. Are girls the problem? Or maybe I am the only one here? “Hello? Come on little dude, don't be too hard on yourself. You're a great and handsome guy I have known.” He went to the couch, crouching down. I had a pillow on my face, so he decided to take it off of me. “Look at me.” I looked at Dad. He had the worried face, that is almost alike to Waylen's. “You may not be getting any luck on love lately, but I promise you, it will come around sooner or later. And it is gonna stay with you forever, such as a loving wife.” He put a smile on his face, and went back to the kitchen to clean.

My father is a single parent. Mom died because of cancer, I was there during her last breaths. Standing beside her, holding her hand tightly, and not wanting to let go. Despite losing the people and animal companions you love, they will always come and go. It is a part of life to grow, and improve yourself for the better. “Have I ever told you about Owen?” I sat on the couch, and raised an eyebrow. “Who? Is it one of your friends or something?” He chuckled, “No. Well, he's one of your cousins that I never told you about, but, he is like a ladies man and he should really tutor you because, you know, to help you get back in the game!” I rolled my eyes at my Dad, and giggled. Until.. I had an idea. What if I can be the tutor? Like help guys get the perfect girl they always wanted? THAT IS A GENIUS!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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