be my one perfect summer kiss?

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milos pov
the way malachi smiled at parker made me feel weird. jealous almost. i mean it's not like we're together. even if we kiss each other and couple stuff doesn't make us one does it? i'm not sure but that voice in my head only got worse.

give up on her honestly
not until she doesn't want me
look at the way they look at each other

i turn and look at malachi and parker. he's looking at her with love and stuff like that. parker's looking at me concerned i guess. she grabs my hand and smiles at me

parker- you okay milo?

me- yeah i'm great

parker- if your sure

i nod my head

see? love. you don't want to split this beautiful couple up do you?
she was looking at me. she cares about me. they already split because of him
you were apart of that fight and you know it!
maybe i was. doesn't mean parker liked me any less

parker tugged my hand so i got closer to her and she got on her tippy toes to lean into my ear.

parker- can we go to the beach?

me- yeah let's go!

she headed out and i followed.

malachi- were you guys going?

parker- the beach!

me- yep

malachi- oh alright well have fun and be safe!

me- i'll keep her safe trust! i won't let anything happen to her.

he nods his head towards me then we walk out hand in hand back to birdie.

parker's pov:
me and milo get in birdie and it only takes about a minute to get there so once we get there i take my shoes off and hold them in my hand. i turn and see milo doing the same thing

me- race you!

i run off and start running around the sand while milo chases me. soon i get lifted off the ground from behind and i squeal.


milo- NEVER!

i laugh and he starts shaking me. then i was flipped to where i was on his shoulder and he was holding my back thighs and i was hitting his back to let me go.

milo- like the view?

he says that cuz he knows he's got a fat ass and he also knows i like to slap it.

me- oh most certainly

i slap his ass hard and there's a loud smack


i'm let go and land on the sand i grin up at him and he has a playful grin on her face. milo puts his hand out for me to grab which i do and i get pulled up. i look out at the ocean and it's absolutely beautiful

me- it's breathtaking huh?

milo- yeah... it really is

i turn to look at him and he's looking at me. is it cliche? yes it is. is it corny? yeah. do i love it? of course i do! does it make me feel good about myself? yes it does. i smile and so does it. he moved a fallen piece of hair behind my ear. i grin at him and he goes in for a kiss. i move to where he kissed my cheek. while he kisses my cheek i lick his cheek. he pulls away and gives me a playful disgusted look

milo- did you just lick me?

me- what? no of course not! that's gross

milo- oh you little!

me- AH!

i run away and run into the water and all around the sand. soon enough i'm getting tackled to the ground and i look to see milo hovering over me. i giggle and take a piece of sand out of his beautiful curls.

me- hi

milo- hello

me- what are you doing?

milo- i'm chilling what about yourself?

me- i'm actually kinda lonely. i'm just sitting here waiting

milo- waiting for what?

me- my perfect summer kiss

milo- a perfect summer kiss?

me- yep

milo- and you only want one?

me- yeah

milo- so you want a lonely summer kiss

me- yes i want one perfect summer kiss

milo- hm alright

me- yep

milo then lays on top of me crushing me between the ground and him

me- ugh get off

milo- nope

me- whyyy

milo- hmm cuz i'm comfy and i said

me- hm fine

milo- oh don't pout

i ignore him and he makes me look at him

milo- stop pouting and don't ignore me

boom. folded like a folder.  he gets off of me and continues to hover over me with only one arm.

me- okay

i smile and so does he

milo- i have a question

me- what's up?

milo- be my one perfect summer kiss?

i'm absolutely flabbergasted he asked me. he's keeping eye contact and so am i. instead of answering i close the gap and he kisses back almost immediately. i move my hand to cup his cheek while one of his is on my waist while the other is keeping him from falling on top of me again. this is perfect

he was her skater boy and she was his skater girl Where stories live. Discover now