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park's pov:
it's now currently 8:27 am. the plane takes off at 9 and we are all sitting in the ugly yet oddly comfortable airport chairs. malachi is in some type of mood because he isn't really talking to me. i'm honestly confused on why he's being a jerk. i thought i heard something so i pick my head up and look in front of me to see a boy around my age maybe 17. he isn't bad looking but malachi obviously looks better. he smiles at me and waves. i'm not a rude person so i wave back and smile. he's writing something on his notebook and i smile. let's hope he doesn't try to hit on me. the notebook gets flipped and i read it


i mouth a hi back and he goes to write something else

You are absolutely gorgeous. How old are you?

i laugh and mouth thank you again and then mouth a 16. he smiles and writes something else

I'm Grey and you are?

i grab a pen and write my hand.


he laughs and then goes back to writing something

Where you going?

i then turn my hand over to write on that side

maui hawaii hbu?

his face relaxes and he grins

Maui Hawaii also :)

just then he flips the notebook again

Your brother doesn't seem to like me very much. He keeps giving me a death glare

i turn and look at malachi and he indeed was giving him a death glare. i laugh and malachi turns towards me.

malachi- what?

me- your funny

malachi turns back towards the guy and smiles. he grabs my face and kisses me. greys face drops and i feel bad. malachi pulls away and he goes on his phone. i mouth an im sorry and he nods. what's malachis problem honestly? he's being a prick if i'm being honest.

me- what's your problem?

malachi- none. no problem

me- oh yeah sure

malachi- why do you even care? you seem pretty happy flirting with some other guy.

me- i wasn't flirting i'm just not a rude person who ignored people. unlike you i actually like talking to people you know cuz you've been basically ignoring me.

malachi- i've not been ignoring you!

me- you have and i'm not doing this right now malachi. why can't you just tell me what's wrong?

malachi- your right.. im sorry love. i had a nightmare last night but i wish i could've told you and not mom. i didn't get much sleep then that guy flirting with you made me even more mad.

me- awe im sorry baby. i wish i could help and i'm sorry you couldn't tell me yourself. im also sorry you thought i was flirting with him i wasn't.

malachi just nods and pulls me into a hug. i sigh happily and hug him back. after a few minutes we pull away. he stares at me and my face grows hot. he still has this weird ability to make me nervous

malachi- your absolutely stunning love

me- oh stop it your making me blush!

malachi- haha that's the point darling.

i turn away and look at how cute loren and felicia look. they seem so happy and i want that in my future. i hear a click and snap my head towards malachi who has this stupid grin on his face and his phone in his hand.

he was her skater boy and she was his skater girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora