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malachis pov:
i had walked away from parker and went to see my mom. my mom had gotten parker a cute bracelet. parker LOVES bracelets. i smile down at it and parker runs in and buries her head into my back as she hugs my waist. my mom looks at us and smiles.

me- you okay parks?

parks- you annoy me..

it obviously came out muffled but i don't care. nothing is going to change the way i feel for this girl! she moved her head and looked at my mom

parks- well mrs barton what's that surprise you insisted on getting me?

mom- parker it's felicia and it's right here! malachi why not go get her your gift?

me- oh yeah sure!

i walk off and hear a squeal from the kitchen. she loves the bracelet! good job mom. i make my way towards my room and get her present together.

parks pov:
felicia have me the most beautiful bracelet with a little P on it. she smiled at me as i squealed and put it on. she turned around then quickly turned towards me

felicia- sooo malachi ask you yet?

me- yeah! he asked me

felicia- oh good! i'm glad! you kids are good for each other

me- how do you know that?

felicia- mothers instincts

i chuckle. woah she sounds like my mom.

me- yeah i've heard that recently...

felicia- something bothering you hun?

me- not really it's just i'm scared.. i really like malachi and i don't want people to mess this up

felicia- well nobody should mess up what you guys have! you guys need each other.

me- you think?

felicia- oh honey i know!

just as i was about to say something malachi came back into the kitchen with a few wrapped gifts and a gift bag. my eyes widen and my jaws on the floor.

me- malachi i- wha- why? you didn't have to!

malachi- i wanted to.. now open this one first!

malachi hands me the smallest wrapped gift. i unwrap it and it's a journal. how cute! he then hands me the medium size gift and smiles for me to open it. once i open it i see 3 coloring books. the bloody alphabet coloring books! they are about serial killers and i said i was going to buy them soon! awe then the last wrapped gift i unwrap and almost cry. it's literally a new skateboard! i pull malachi into a tight hug and start sniffling. he pulls way and puts his hand on my check. he wipes my tears away.

malachi- here last one!

he hands me the bag and i start opening it. the first thing i pull out is a hoodie of malachi's i've been wanting how sweet! then i pull out a photo book for us. i pull out a huge pink sands candle. my favorite candle! lastly i pull out a bunch of my favorite candies!

me- worlds best boyfriend!

malachi- awe stop it!

i laugh and malachi pulls me into a hug. i immediately put on his hoodie and we make our way to the couch. i lay down and he cuddles into me.

me- malachi i have to go home soon. i need to go to sleep early and spend time with my parents!

malachi- do you have to?

me- yes!

malachi- fineeee

malachi gets up and helps me up. i say goodbye to everyone and grab my things. malachi opens my door and then helps me in the car. we soon make our way to my house. once we pull into my driveway i star gathering my things to get out. i turn towards him with a smile.

he was her skater boy and she was his skater girl Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt