007, "Annoyingly Adorable."

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- Reader's POV -

Haerin heaves a sigh as she inhaled the sweet scent of Danielle's body wash. She buried her face into the soft cotton of Danielle's shirt, relishing the feeling of the girls warm embrace. She snuggled deeper into her arms, purring contently at the soothing sensation of her gentle touch.

"So... are we not going to talk about the fact that the duck that turned into your sister is also a cat?" Danielle raises an eyebrow, and the catgirl sighs. "It's not that simple. Plus she's not a cat.. I think.." Haerin murmurs, "What do you mean 'I think'!? She was literally just a duck and now she's a human!" Danielle exclaims, and Haerin looks up at her with an annoyed look.

"What did you expect? It's not like there are humans who turn into ducks, or a duck that turns into a human." Haerin retorts, and the girl just scoffs. "Well, apparently there are now. And the ducks are turning into humans, and the humans are turning into cats, and the cats are turning into humans, and you are definitely going to be the death of me."

Haerin sits up and rolls her eyes. "You're just overreacting. This is normal. I'm used to this kind of stuff." Danielle sighs and shakes her head. "You are not the least bit normal. Not one bit. Just saying."

"Yes I am, you're the weird one." Haerin pouts and looks away. "I'm not weird, you're weird." Danielle pokes her cheeks and Haerin just huffs. "Don't touch the whiskers, they're sensitive and might hurt you." The girl frowns and gently swats her hands away. "They look good on you. It's actually pretty cute.." Danielle whispers.

Haerin blushes and averts her gaze feeling her tail twitch slightly. "But why are you a human anyways, you're not supposed to be one."

"Because I was bored and wanted to walk on two feet and get my ass whooped by Danielle Marsh." Haerin replies. "No! Why are you a human!?" Danielle sighs and the catgirl rolls her eyes at her. "Because I'm a hybrid, what else? Now stop asking stupid-"

Danielle interrupts her with another question, "Why do you have cat ears and a tail!? What's up with that!?"

"I told you, I'm a hybrid." Haerin deadpans. "It doesn't seem real though.." Danielle reaches over to poke the catgirls cat ears, and the girl winces, a hiss leaving her lips. "You have sensitive ears, don't you?" The girl smirks at the annoyed expression on Haerin's face.

Danielle crawls closer to her, and leans in, blowing a gentle breath onto the girl's ears. The catgirl shivers, a soft mewl escaping her lips. "Danielle.." She growls, "Stop messing with the cat ears.." The girl giggles, "Sorry, I can't help it. They're too adorable. Plus, it's really fun to tease you."

Haerin's cat ears lower and the girl chuckles, reaching up to scratch the top of her head. "What about the tail? Does it move on its own too? Is it soft? Do you have claws or fangs? How about whiskers?" Danielle fires off questions. Haerin's tail slowly moves and curls around the girl's waist.

"Wow.. it's really soft.." The older girl mutters, and the catgirl's tail wraps tighter around her, causing the girl to yelp in surprise. "You're such a tease, Danielle.." Haerin murmurs, and the girl chuckles. "Oh please, you can't deny the fact that you enjoy it."

The catgirl huffs, "Maybe I do, but not when you're constantly messing with my ears." Haerin unwraps her tail around her waist and it starts moving slightly. Danielle's eyes widen, "Does it always move like that?"

"Only when I'm comfortable. Or in this case, irritated." The catgirl deadpans, and Danielle rolls her eyes. "You're so cute." She chuckles, and reaches up to scratch her ears once again. Haerin closes her eyes, purring at the sensation.

"Your fur is so soft, I love it." Haerin feels her cheeks heat up and her tail starts swishing faster. "I'm not some pet, Danielle." The girl grumbles, but the older girl continues to scratch her ears. "Oh, but you are. My little kitty cat..."

Danielle coos, and the catgirl scoffs, but doesn't pull away. Her tail twitches, and a soft mewl escapes her lips. "So cute.." Danielle murmurs, her hands running through the fur of the catgirl's tail.

"Ya..! That's not a toy you know.." Haerin hisses, and Danielle lets out a soft laugh. "But it's so cute, I can't help myself." The girl grins, and the catgirl pouts, her ears flattening.

"You're seriously treating me like a pet this isn't fair.." Haerin mumbles, her tail swishing side to side. "Well, that's because you're such an adorable kitten.." Danielle replies, a playful smile spreading across her lips.

She squeezes Haerin's tail, and the catgirl hisses, her ears flattening against her head. "Don't do that, it's not funny." Haerin protests, her tail thrashing about, but the girl doesn't listen. Instead, she continues to squeeze her tail, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips."You're so cute, I can't help it.." Danielle teases, and the catgirl glares at her.

"Don't call me cute.." Haerin murmurs, her eyes narrowing. Danielle giggles and squeezes her tail again, and the catgirl whimpers, her ears flattening against her head.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't do it again.." Danielle quickly apologizes, and Haerin's tail slowly stops moving. "Good, because if you do it again, I'm going to bite you. I'll bite your hand off.." The girl warns, and Danielle chuckles.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that. You're too cute for that." The girl reaches up to scratch the top of the catgirl's head, and Haerin sighs, her eyes closing. "Just don't squeeze my tail, okay?"

"Fine. But can I squeeze your cheeks instead?" Danielle grins, and the catgirl opens her eyes, glaring at her. "No. Just keep scratching my head." The girl giggles and does what she asks, her fingers running through the soft fur of the catgirl's ears.

"I love your ears, they're so soft and fluffy.." Danielle coos, and Haerin's face reddens, her ears lowering slightly. "Stop.. that's embarrassing.." Haerin murmurs, and the girl smiles. "Why? They're so cute."

"It's because they're sensitive, and I can feel every movement you make. It's like.. an extension of me." The catgirl mumbles, and Danielle's eyes widen. "So, I can make you purr just by touching them?"

"Don't you dare.." Haerin warns, her eyes narrowing, but the girl ignores her, and scratches her ears. A soft mewl leaves the catgirl's lips and her cheeks turn red. "Oh my god, you actually did.." Danielle gasps, and the catgirl huffs, her face turning a darker shade of crimson.

"Shut up.." Haerin grumbles, her tail swishing around in annoyance. "I can't believe you're purring just from me scratching your ears.." Danielle teases, a grin plastered onto her face. "You know you haven't fed me yet and I'm in a pissy mood. So, you better take care of that right now or I won't be nice to you anymore."

The catgirl threatens, her tail moving slightly.
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll do just that." Danielle laughs, and Haerin glares at her, her ears lowering. "I'm serious, don't piss me off. You know I don't like being angry, but you make me angry.."

"Fine. Fine. I'll feed you." The girl rolls her eyes, and the catgirl huffs. "Good. You better or I'm going to eat you."

"I'd like to see you try." Danielle chuckles, and the catgirl rolls her eyes. "I'm hungry."

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever you have. I'm not picky." Haerin replies, her ears perking up. "You sure? You look like a picky eater."

"I'm not a picky eater. I'll eat anything." Haerin shrugs, her tail swishing back and forth. "If you say so.." Danielle gets up and leaves the room, and the catgirl is left alone, her ears flattening.


Thantj juiu gays flo vleqding this bok Im so thankfuk nxt chavpterg uhh.. vont bee masde untizl I getze ideaxrz

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