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4 months later. Natalia is 8 months pregnant.

Natalia's POV:
I am sitting on the couch at home when my stomach starts hurting.
"You like tormenting momma hey Jules." I whisper down at her.
Me and Noah have decided on a name. Jules Maria Benson. I get up and get a glass of water. I get to the kitchen when I hear a splash and look down to see a pool of water.
"Damn it, impatient little one aren't ya." I whisper.
I grab my phone off the bench and dial Noah. I breathe slowly.
"Hey Tali, what's up?" He answers
"Are you almost home?" I ask
"Just getting in the car," he replies
"Divert course to Mercy, baby's coming, im about to call an ambulance.
"Ok." He ends the call.
I grab some clothes after I call an ambulance and soon the door is knocked on. I walk down and answer it with my bag.
"Oh, your ready ma'am, come this way." The first one guides me down to the ambulance,
"Ok." I sit on the gurney.
"How far along are you?" She asks
"8 months! Ahh!" I groan as a contraction passes through.
"Ok," the paramedic wheels me into the ambulance.
"Ahh!" I groan less then 2 minutes later
"Your contractions are tight." The paramedic exclaims, "Jeffries, ETA!"
"2 minutes Bretton." Jeffries replies
"Copy that." Bretton replies.
We get to Mercy and I am wheeled out, my bag in my lap. Noah runs up. He takes the bag.
"Natalia, you ok?" He asks
"Yep!" I groan, "ahhhhh!"
I am rushed into a room. I am transferred up to the maternity ward. My OB comes in. She checks my dilation.
Fully dilated, you ready Natalia?" She asks
I nod.
"And push!" She instructs.
I push hard and squeeze Noah's hand. He soothes me.
"It's ok sweetie." He exclaims.
I keep pushing and I hear cries.
"I did it." I exclaim, breathlessly.
"Yeah baby, you did it." Noah smiles as our little girl is laid in a bassinet.
"So she is a month early, so she isn't properly developed so she will need to stay in NICU with Mommy till her due date." Our OB exclaims, "ready to go?"
I nod. We are moved to our new home for 1 month. I get comfy as my baby girl is laid in my arms. I coo softly.
"Hi baby." I soothe as she cries.
"Do we have a name?" Our OB asks
"Yes," I reply, "Jules Maria Benson."
"That's a beautiful name." She smiles and writes it down.
She leaves and I kiss Jules' head. I look up at Noah.
"We did it honey, we did it." He smiles
"I know." I reply as Noah bends down beside me.
"Honey, I love you so much, and same with little Jules. I want to be able to spend everyday watching her grown up, have her own little babies. Will you marry me?" He pulls out a ring in a velvet box.
"Yes." I reply, crying softly.
He slides the ring on my finger and kisses me. I pass Jules to him and he cuddles his daughter. She starts to cry so he passes her back to me and she immediately stops crying. He cuddles on the bed with us. He video calls Olivia. She answers.
"Hey Noah." Liv answers before seeing us on the bed with Jules in my arms, "oh my gosh! You've had your baby and you didn't tell me?"
"We didn't have time." I smile.
"Amanda," Liv calls into thier house.
"Yeah Babe?" Amanda come over.
"Grab your coat. Let's go meet our new granddaughter," Liv smiles
"Ahhhh! Oh my gosh!" Amanda jumps happily, "should we get Mason from school?"
"Yeah," Liv smiles, "see you guys soon."
"Alright, see you soon Mom and Mama." Noah ends the call.
I cuddle with him and we care for our baby girl. Soon Liv, Mason and Amanda come in.
"Awwww! So cute." Liv smiles.
"Mason, come ere." Noah helps the 13 year old up onto the bed, "want to hold your niece."
Mason nods. I pass Jules over.
"Go to uncle Mason JuJu." I whisper.
Mason holds her and then she is passed around. Soon she is passed back to me and visits are over so everyone leaves. I lay Jules in her crib and head to sleep!

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