Chapter 8 - You

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-Three years later-

I open the door to the dining cabin and walk over to grab a food tray. The food as become unappetizing after having the same thing for so long but I dish myself some dinner and walk over to sit with my friends.
"-That's how you save fuel, let your momentum do the work for you." Jean is saying, ripping off a piece of bread and tossing it into his mouth.
"Still, that's pretty advanced." Armin replies. I assume Jean is just bragging about his skill again as I slide onto the bench next to Marco.

"Duh, it's called having a sixth sense for the finer points of your gear." Jean replies, shooting a quick glance at Mikasa.
"You gotta do the strut if you wanna make the cut, the MP only recruit the best." Jean says in a snarky tone.
"So what your saying is you should give up on trying to join them." I note. He flashes me a glare.

"Ah, man that would be amazing. Working within a stones throw of the King, no greater honour than that." Marco says dreamily, taking a swig of water.
"Shut up Marco." Jean says, smacking him upside the head and causing water to splash in his face.
"We're not children, you can drop the misty eyed BS. Honour doesn't have any damn part in it, you just want a nice cushy job in the interior playing glorified sentry." Jean states.

"That's not true, that's not me at all!" Marco protests.
"Drop it, Jean." I tell him, ripping of a chunk of bread.
"Oh come on Y/n. You don't seriously believe-"
"Listen to you guys. Interior. Five years ago this was part of it." Eren interrupts, taking a swig of his drink.

"You got a point to make, friend? I'm right here." Jean glares. Eren sets down his cup.
"Poor Jean, so misguided. Besides, I don't think your head would fit in the interior anyway." He smirks.
Reiner and Connie chuckle the next table down. I watch as Jean's eye twitches with irritation.

"Very funny." Jean mutters.
"Just seems a little backwards to me. Fine tuning your titan killing skills so the brass will station you some place you'll never see one." Eren continues.
"You rather I was good at getting killed? Thanks but I'll pass. Better to play the system than get eaten alive." Jean scoffs. I figure I should probably stop whatever fight is about to break out, but I'm a little starved for entertainment right now.

"You son of a bitch!" Eren shouts, getting up from his seat.
"Bring it on you little bastard!" Jean shouts back, walking towards him.
"Eren, please!" Armin tries to pull him back. Mikasa rises from her seat to stop it but I place my hand on her shoulder, shaking my head. She gives me a look like 'are you sure?'. I nod and go back to eating my soup.

"You think you can judge me?" Jean shouts, grabbing Eren's shirt.
"Get off me you asshat!" Eren shouts back.
"No, screw you Jaeger. Always thinking you're better than everyone!" Jean raises his fist. Eren glances around the room, his eyes landing on me. I don't say anything, I just rip off another piece of bread.

He seems to come to a conclusion by himself, his eyes narrowing slightly. He grabs Jean's arm and places his other hand on his neck, pushing him down at the same time as he sweeps out his legs. Jean lands on the ground with a heavy thud.

Jean sits up with a grunt and rubs the back of his head.
"Damn it, what the hell was that move?" Jean groans.
"Little something I picked up while you were busy with your thumb up your ass. You honestly believe the Military police are your ticket to the good life? You're not a soldier, you're a joke." Eren glares, standing tall over Jean.

The entire room has been quiet for several minutes, watching the argument unfold. The cabin door creaks open, revealing a very angry looking Shadis.
"Would anyone like to explain the little ruckus I heard just now? I do hope everything's alright." He says lowly. Eren and Jean get back in their seats, not saying anything.

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