"Whatever you just said better have not been about my best friend." Hermione threatening and Draco laughed.

"I would never, bye guys, have a nice night." Blaise said leaving and they said their goodbyes then he was gone with a chime of the floo.

"I'll get dinner together if you want to read or something, there is a bookshelf in the other room." Hermione smiled and headed to the room. The bookshelf took up one entire wall of the room and was filled with books. Hermione had trouble deciding. She decided to look through all that caught her attention. She looked through so many books that she lost track of time. She finally picked one out and headed back into the kitchen but to her surprise Draco had finished making the food. "What book did you get?" He asked.

"Vanity Fair, it's about two girls during the Napolen Wars," Hermione said holding it up to show him.

"That was my mother's." Draco said sadly, he missed his mom. "Anyways I made plates and just need to bring them to the table. I also have wine or whiskey or water or juice."

"Can I get an ice water and a glass of whiskey?" Hermione asked.

"Sure I was thinking the same thing, we can split a bottle unless thats too much?" Hermione shook her head. "Alright then, can you grab the plates and I'll get drinks?"

Hermione grabbed the plates and set them on his dining room table across from each other then she sat down. A few moments later he came with the drinks. "This looks really good but I mean knowing you it couldn't taste as good."

"Why don't you just see for yourself Granger?" Draco said with a smirk and Hermione shrugged then started digging in.

She took her first bite and smiled. "Fine I guess its not too bad." She then said with a smirk. She took a sip of her whiskey, it was fire whiskey. "Fire whiskey, I should've known."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," Hermione laughed.

They ate their food laughing and joking with each other. After about 2 glasses of fire whiskey they were both slightly tipsy and Hermione had to admit the dinner was really good. Once dinner was over, Draco didn't feel like cleaning the hard way so with a few spells he had the kitchen and dishes clean in only a few minutes and they both went to lay on the couch.

"Remember in school when you violated my face?" Draco said staring at her admiringly. Hermione started laughing. Her laughter sounded normal again.

"How could I forget? That was my favorite school memory." She said looking over at Draco. Draco sat up and moved closer to Hermione but disguised it by grabbing the whiskey and taking a few gulps.

"It was probably only your favorite memory because I was there."

"You wish. You know actually I think my favorite memory was when Moody turned you into the ferret." Draco busted out laughing. This was one of the first times Hermione heard him genuinely laugh.

"You have a stupid laugh." Hermione said and she scooted back so her head was laying in his lap.

"I was thinking about what that lady said when we went to her house today 'I'm just very grateful you guys are working on this, I wouldn't want anyone else,' I know very well she did not mean me." Draco said and Hermione turned to look at him.

"I'm sure she did."

"Come on now Hermione, she meant you and Harry, 2/3 of the golden trio, she probably wished I was Ron." He said this and she looked away again. Silence filled the room. "Whatever happened to Ron?"

"Its a really long story, not one I have enough time to share." Hermione replied and Draco stayed silent. He could tell Hermione didn't wanna talk and he didn't want to pry. Hermione grabbed the fire whiskey and down the remainder of the bottle. There wasn't much left anyways. Draco still knew something was up and he felt bad. He started brushing through her hair with his finger tips. "I'm really glad we are friends now, this is so much better than me having to punch you for being a bastard." Hermione said and Draco laughed.

"I agree, its really nice."

"Oh I forgot to ask you but she told me to," Hermione sat up and faced him, "Do you have feelings for Destiny?"

"No, why?" Draco said confusedly.

"She thought you did, I could tell she was being delusional." Hermione said. "Please let her down easy, she's kinda sensitive."

"Of course." Draco said and Hermione smiled. Her smile was so powerful to him. Just the sight of it made him want to melt into her arms.  They sat there in silence after Hermione laid herself back down on his lap. "Bloody hell, we are drinking on a Wednesday night and have to go to work tomorrow."

Hermione laughed, "We'll be fine, I know we will."

"Hermione, you are so optimistic, you are honestly just completely amazing." At that point Draco thought it was the alcohol talking but he was glad he said it. He was not so happy about what happened next. Hermione smiled and sat up. Draco grabbed her face and pulled her in. Their lips connected. Her lips were very soft and although she tasted of fire whiskey he still loved every second of the kiss.

After a few seconds she kissed back. She loved his lips as well. Although being thrown off, she really did feel something. It was about ten seconds in that realization struck her. 'I'm kissing Draco Malfoy, currently a coworker and friend, former enemy and bully, and I'm enjoying it.' She then thought of Ron. That was a mistake. She started not feeling right and pulled away. Draco looked worried, "Sorry I really should be headed home."

Draco nodded. "Yeah its getting kinda late." They both got up and started heading towards the fireplace. "I had a nice time tonight." Draco said as she stepped into the floo.

"Yes me too." She said then wish a flash of green was gone. Draco stood staring at the fire place for awhile thinking. He knew he messed up. He really regretted it but there's nothing he could do, the damage was already done so he just went up stairs and went to bed.

Hermione got home and plopped right on her bed. What had just happened? What had she done? She could only imagine how Draco felt. Its not like she didn't want it or didn't enjoy it. She just kept thinking about the past, and their current friendship and Ron and just none of it felt right at that moment. She felt bad but there's nothing she could do, the damage was already done so she just rolled over and went to bed.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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Love Erases the Past (Dramione)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें