Chapter 9

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Hermione got back to her office and laid her head in her arms on her desk. She had a pounding headache. Destiny was great but she was also great at talking. She used her wand and preformed a few spells and luckily her headache was then gone. Hermione began to work and filing the information from the case. She was interrupted by Draco walking in with a handful of papers. "Sorry I forgot to give you these." He said setting them on her desk. "Also I never got a chance to reply earlier but I'm looking forward to dinner too." Hermione smiled and Draco returned the smile then turned and left.

The rest of the day went by slow until Ginny busted through the door around 4."Hermione you will never guess who showed up at my work with flowers." Ginny said coming to sit at the edge of Hermione's desk.


"Blaise!" Ginny said all excited. "He asked me to dinner on Friday."

"What did you say?" Hermione asked.

"I told him I would think about it but I'm seriously considering it." Ginny told her looking for advice.

"I think you should go for. I mean we both know he liked you since Hogwarts and you two seemed to really hit it off at the carnival last week. I think you should go, at least see what its like and if you hate it just don't go out again." Hermione told her and Ginny hopped up and attacked her with a hug.

"Thank you for your support. I think I am going to go." Ginny said letting go of her. "Okay I will see you later, I am supposed to be on a 10 minute bathroom break but I just had to tell you." Hermione laughed then they said their goodbyes and she left.

Hermione suffered through her last hour of paperwork, filling, and random messages told to her by Destiny and the company owl. She wrapped everything up then grabbed her things and headed to Draco's office. He was leaving his office when she got there. "You ready for my amazing pork chops."

"Sure am. Do you want me to help you cook anything?" Hermione asked politely.

"No I think I'll be fine and besides with a few spells it shouldn't take too long." Draco said with a smirk and Hermione laughed. They walked together to the elevator and to the floos. "Come on we'll floo together and sorry in advance if there is any mess in my house."

"No it's fine." Hermione told him and they flooed to his house.

With the sound of the chime, Blaised yelled from the kitchen. "Draco get your ass in here, I have big news."

"I should've expected that." Hermione mumbled.

"Huh?" Draco said turning to her and she just shook her head. They walked through his house to the kitchen. It was a nice house, a bit bigger than Hermione's. Not what she expected compared to the Malfoy Manner, it was a lot more cozy and welcoming. Still nothing like hers but it didn't have the same dark and dreary feel as the manor. "Whats up Blaise?" Draco said as the walked into the kitchen.

Blaise was leaning against the counter eating chocolate truffles from a box. He looked surprised to see Hermione, she took note of this expression and waved. "Oh hey Granger, wasn't expecting to see you, I assume you probably know what this is about." Hermione nodded. Draco looked at the two of them in confusion. "I asked out Ginny."

"Oh nice, what did she say?" Draco asked.

"Well first she said she needed to think then I got an owl and it was a note from her saying she thought about it and she said yes." Blaise said and Draco slapped him on the back.

"Congrats buddy." He said and Blaise grabbed Draco's shoulder and pulled him in.

"I'll get out of here for you." He whispered then pulled away and winked to Hermione.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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