Feelings Lead to Something New

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'Hmm that's new' You thought. You then turned the door handle realizing it was unlocked. 'Snake wouldn't mind would he.'

"I'm coming in..." You announce as you let yourself in, closing the door behind you. You glance around the room and see no sign of him which confuses you a little bit.

"Where did he go?" You questioned as you looked around the dimly lit room.

Your ears then perked up and your eyes softened as you heard quiet sobs from beneath the bed.

You move towards the bed slowly and kneel down next to it. The sight you see makes your heart break. Snake is curled deep into himself as he cries. Tears slipping down his once happy face. You move your hand to touch him but you stop yourself as Snake makes eye contact with you and moves further away.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Snake, you know that." You do you best to slip under the bed and lean on your forearms in a plank-like position as you look at him.

He just looks at you with a flushed face as he continues to cry. Snake wanted you to leave. He never wanted for you to see him like this. You're the last person he wants to be around right now. He seems to cry harder knowing that you're the reason why he's upset. Well Wolf is too.

You then sigh as you eyes lower sadly.

"Did I hurt you in a way because I'm so sorry if I did. That was never my intention" You continue to ramble and you fail to notice Snake moving towards you.

Snake sniffles and swallows as does something he never thought he would do. He then leans towards you and presses his lips to yours to stop your rambling.

You stared at Snake with wide eyes as he kissed you. Does Snake like you? Wait what.

"Y/N you talk too much. That's one thing I love about you" Snake's tail moves to caress your cheek causing you to shutter slightly. This feels wrong. You like him but you're not sure if you like him this way.

You slip out of his touch causing him to frown a little. You then try your best to get out from under the bed but you hit your head on the bed frame on the way out.

"Ow..shit.." You curse which in a way makes Snake's smile again since you never tend to curse in front of the others.

"I-I'm gonna go. I'm glad you're feeling better though" You quickly scrambled to stand up. Snake's eyes widened and he slithered after you.

"Wait Y/N!" Snake then wrapped himself around you and slowly moved up your body. (Not it a weird way of course:3)

You blink a little and look down at him, then purse your lips and avert your gaze. Snake wrapped his tail under your chin, bringing your face back to him.

"N/N please let me explain." You sigh softly and look at him silently asking him to explain.

Snake then takes a deep breath.

"You know about a week ago when I asked you if I could ever find someone" Snake then gazes at you tentatively.

You nod softly silently telling him to go on.

"Well that person I wanted to have those feelings with is you."

Your ears perk and your eyes widen at his words. Snake then continued.

"But you are with Wolf and I wasn't sure how to tell you, since you are dating the person I've known since I was little."

Snake lets out a small sigh as he gazes back up at you. "You probably hate me now and want to leave."

He slips off your body with a sad expression as you are left with your thoughts.

Snake liked you. No, he loved you. This is a lot to process for a Tuesday night. You let out a sigh and look back at Snake.

You then pinch your eyebrows a little bit, "Could we maybe discuss this with Wolf because I'm not sure if he would be open to well having an open relationship."

Snake then perked up, "Wait you like me back..?"

"I never said that, but that doesn't mean I'm not against trying new things, love."

Snake blushes at the nickname and quickly wraps around you hugging you, "Well that's better than nothing."

You shake your head softly as you open Snake's door and make your way towards Wolf. Who then looked at you with one eyebrow raised noticing how his best friend clinged to his girlfriend.

You let out a sigh and reached to pat his cheek. You then place a small kiss to his lips, "We have a lot to talk about Wolf."

Wolf blushed a bright red wondering what you meant. You then pull him by the arm, taking him to your room shutting the door behind you.

Diane walks in and notices the three of you retreat to your room. She then turns to the rest of the gang who resigned on the couch.

"What's going on with them?" She questioned as she took a seat next to Shark.

"Who knows." He then brought the push pop up to his mouth casually eating the thin whole.

Diane frowned slightly at Shark but then decided she would ask you later.

Hello my children. I'm so sorry it's been so long but I'm glad to be back writing. I love the little comments you guys leave. I missed y'all so much and I'm back and hopefully will keep updating. I'm also sorry if this chapters a little short and we'll I kinda left you thinking. He he well I do enjoy this chapter and have fun plans for the future ones. But until then I'll see you next time darlings~

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