The touchy topic

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Hello and here we are. Sorry if it's not exactly like the movie but trust me this is going to be fun.~

Today was the day the sun was shining and what made it more grand was that today was snake's birthday. Two of the bad guys were sitting in a very quiet dinner which happen to be just across the street from the big bank. Snake wasn't very fond of his birthday but Wolf couldn't take a hint.

"Stop." Snake said with a slight slither of his tongue.

"I'll stop asking if you just explain it."

Snake narrowed his eyes at his best friend. He would rather be anywhere eating gin pigs by the dozen. His mouth water as he pictured it. He then shook his head and tried to focus on what was going to happen next. Their classic bank heist. There is nothing he loved more then stealing money. Well not sharing push pops with Shark was a close second.

"Would you please drop it." Snake said with slightly irritation in his voice

"Alright alright fine fine Consider it dropped," Wolf said, lifting his hands like he was surrendering.

"It's dropped." He pointed to the floor then back at Snake, "It's on the ground."

He glanced down at his plate, wondering why he couldn't let it go. Was it his curiosity or ignorance getting the best of him, regardless he just couldn't understand why Snake felt this on all days. Birthdays are meant to be fun, and involves getting gifts, and seeing your friends, and all kinds of other fun stuff.

He quickly glanced at his reptilian friend and cried out, "But come on!"

"Ugh" snake groaned with a slight roll of his eyes.

"Everybody loves birthdays. You've got decorations, balloons, parties .. and CAKE,."

He smiled his most charismatic smile in an attempt to convince Snake, but it wasn't enough to fade his pal's grumpy exterior.

Snake hissed. "Look I don't need presents, I don't want decorations, and I'm not a cake guy." He gazed out the window, watching as people hustled to work and every once in awhile saw people quicken their steps as they locked eyes with him. He chuckled softly to himself of how easily people got scared of them

He would rather talk about their plans but Wolf didn't want to talk about that--his mind was stuck on one thing, and one thing only.

"Seriously, though," he persisted. "You don't like cake? Name one food better than cake.

"Guinea pig," Snake replied, then he smiled as he thought of that similar image came back or better yet...

"baby kitten" he said without even having to
think about it. There was just something about swallowing down small innocent helpless defenseless cute animals that made him feel so, so good.

Wolf dramatically collapsed back against the booth. "Again with the guinea pigs! C'mon! I bet if I blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a skunk and a guinea pig."

"Wrong," Snake snapped back. "Snakes have impeccable taste buds. I can taste air." He stuck his tongue out, his forked, stuck out to taste the air.

"Air?" Wolf asked, slightly laughing.

"Yes, air," Snake said haughtily. He stuck his tongue out again. "Mmm, nice!" He said doing it once more.

"I don't know," Wolf said, draping one arm up and over the back of the booth. "There a little-uh-there a little, uh, cute for my taste."

"That's what makes them so delicious!" Snake said. "You're not just eating food, you're eating pure."

That's what makes them so delicious!" Snake said. "You're not just eating food, you're eating pure goodness. It's not about the pig, it's about what it symbolizes on a deeper level!"

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