New Super Mario Bros Wii Collab (Request)

Start from the beginning

"Someone pop my bubble!" Omarun shouted

We all decided to just avoid her bubble as much as possible just to annoy her more, but that really didn't help anything in terms of cooperation; we were just being assholes.

"Imagine dying to the first Goomba..." Nenechi teased

Omarun dropped her controller and shook Nene. "It's your fault!"

"I apologize!!" Nenechi cried out.

"Sorry doesn't cut it; I am down a life, and you embarrassed me in front of the viewers!" Omarun said

"I'm really sorry!" Nenechi cried out as she tugged on Omarun in real life.

"Nene-I'm joking; I can't be mad at you!" Omarun said to the whining girl:

Nenechi immediately smiled and popped her bubble. "Thank you..." The fox said politely:

We ended up all getting propeller suits besides me since Omarun died, so one of them was just a normal mushroom, and then we came to another pit.

Lamy-chan looked at all of us and said, "Let's just continue!" She said

We continued to stream, getting to World 1-4. We were making good time, and with the shenanigans, we were going at a good pace compared to the start.

"Shishiron, I don't like these types of levels." Lamy-chan told me with a sharp, cute wimper.

"Ah, I'll protect you!" I said to her, getting a giggle from her.

"Thank you," she said.

The level was going perfectly well until we got to the spinning platforms. Lamy-chan had a sly grin on her face. I didn't like the look on her face: "One must be dead in order to become a legacy." She suddenly said

"Wha-" the three of us said in response, but before we could even process what she said fully, she picked me up and tossed me into the bottomless pit below.

"The hell was that!?" I asked the girl next to me, who was laughing at what had just transpired.

"Lamy, I never expected you'd have the guts." Omarun said, I'm in awe.

"I'm genuinely shocked. I don't know what to say, Wamy," Nenechi said.

Omarun paused the game since none of us were moving. We just stared at the laughing girl, who was having the time of her life.

"It wasn't that funny." I commented

Lamy-chan gazed at me, saddened by my reaction. "Shishiron, I'm sorry!" She told me

"No-no, I'm not mad!" I said I was trying to defuse the situation I am now in.

Lamy-chan gained a faint smile. "I'll make it up to you," she told me.

"How will you-" I was instantly cut off by her lips touching my own. A second after the touch, I felt her slide her tongue into my mouth. I really am letting her kiss me without a fight. Nenechi and Omarun stared on, more shocked than ever, as Lamy-chan and I kissed. I dropped the Wiimote and wrapped my arms around her tightly, pulling her in closer.

"We-Ah, sorry, we are going to load the screen for a minute!" Omarun yelled

As Lamy-chan pulled her lips away from mine, I could still taste the sake in her breath. "You happy?" She asked me

"Of course!" I cried out.

"Okay, what the hell was that!?" Omarun asked

"Polka, we just kissed," Lamy-chan said.

"You made out for like a minute on stream, idiot, and you are acting like this isn't a serious thing, like are you two a secret couple!?" She asked

"No, I mean, I have had a crush on Shishiron since we met," Lamy-chan said.

"I also like Lamy-chan since then," I claimed.

Omarun looked at the two of us and then at Nenechi and said, "Why aren't you surprised!?"

Nenechi yawned. "Wasn't it obvious?"

"No! Why does it always seem like I am the one that doesn't know things!?" Polka asked

"Well isn't that your role? Shishiron is the calm cute gamer, Wamy is the cute motherly one, you are the cute oblivious clown, and I'm the gorgeous super idol" Nenechi stated

"Do you really think that little of me?" Omarun asked

"Of course not! I was just saying that as an example, dummy!" Nenechi said

"Wait-we are taking away from the bigger picture here. Are you two dating?" Omarun asked

"No," we both said in unison.

"Well, you two clearly were made for one another and want to be dating, so just confess already." Omarun said

"Shishiron, I love you." Lamy-chan said

"Lamy-chan, I love you," I told her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" We both asked

We both broke out laughing at the rushed confession, but now that automatically makes us a couple.

"Omarun, you forgot to mute the mic." Nenechi pointed out

We all glared at the screen, realizing the chat was going wild. They heard everything. "Well, the cats are out of the bag," I said.

"Yup, so how are we going to continue this stream?" Lamy-chan asked

"As a couple, obviously," I giggled.

"We are going to be third and fourth wheeling them." Omarun groaned

"Definitely," the two of us laughed in unison before continuing to play.

Omarun and Nenechi were both a little shaken up still, but we noticed something: the way Nene was teasing Omarun wasn't out of spite or even just to be playful; it was a loving type of tease. Lamy-chan and I were aware of this and both laughed it off.

"What is so funny, lovebirds?" Omarun asked

"Nothing; just focus on the game," I told her.

Lamy-chan leaned gently on my shoulder, just to rest on me. I smirked at her advance. I love you," I said to her, causing her to fall off a cliff.

"I love you too!" Lamy-chan said she was not even caring that she had just lost a life or that we were still streaming chat and going crazy.

Despite our agreement a little bit ago, maybe there will still be some shenanigans after all.

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