I wonder if Natalie is back at the dorm yet. I didn't get a chance to ask her about her classes, maybe she could use this lesson plan too.
Either way I'm gonna read ahead to be prepared.

The weather was beautiful today; sun shining, barely any clouds. Just a light breeze. Stepping outside B building there was students all over the grassy area in the center. When I got here this morning there was significantly less people. I made my way back to the dorms, using my key this time, I turned the knob opening the door.

The curtains were drawn now, two lumps under the covers on Natalie's bed. I'm assuming Bills with her. Is he gonna be in here all the time? At least he's nice, and as long as they don't have sex while I'm in the room I'm cool.

I shuffled over to my desk trying not to disturb them. Instead of using my main lamp
I grabbed a reading light out of the drawer to see. I reached into the top drawer pulling out my calendar to write all of the first English testing dates and project due dates for the next month.

Natalie began rustling around once it got to be one in the after noon. She stretched standing out of bed and walked over to mine.

"Whatcha doin?" She spoke softly trying not to take up her boyfriend who was still peacefully sleeping.

"Just writing some stuff down for class." Natalie gave a funny look, "Class?" She laughed lightly, "Girl classes haven't even started yet, you gotta let loose a little."

I grinned sheepishly, closing my calendar and putting it back in the drawer. "I just like to be prepared." She nodded, "Maybe I could learn from you."

"Are you a freshmen? If you have the same class I can help?" I offered with a smile, "I wish, no I'm a sophomore. So is Bill, and his brother."

"Why are you still in the dorms?" I asked, turning in my chair to face her better.

"I was planning on getting a place to rent with some friends, but they dropped out. This was cheaper anyway." She shrugged.

"I get that," I looked over to make sure Bill was still sleeping, "How did you meet your boyfriend? Did you guys know each other from highschool?"
I was curious, I also wanted an excuse to talk about Tom and figure him out.

Natalie smiled, thinking fondly of her boyfriend, "We met here. If you couldn't tell already, they moved here from Germany last year. I met Tom first actually, we hooked up at a party." My eyes almost flew out of my head.

She hooked up with her boyfriends brother?

"I know, I know. It wasn't like that though, Tom doesn't exactly.. date. I met Bill soon after and we hit it off. We've been together ever since." She grinned taking another glance at her sleepy boyfriend.

"Why doesn't Tom date anyone?" I couldn't help but ask, not that I wanna date him or anything.

She raised an eyebrow, "Why? You interested? He'll give you the best night of your life, but I wouldn't try to tame him, he'll just hurt you. I've seen it happen to dozens of girls over the past year."

Dozens? That's appalling. Those poor girls.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested." She playfully narrowed her eyes, "sure, sure"

I clicked my tongue, "I mean it!" she smiled, "whatever you say." We both laughed, causing a very grumpy Bill to sit up abruptly; his hair looked like a birds nest.

"Too loud." Bill groaned, "Babe.. it's the afternoon time to join the living." He sighed stretching and walking over to my bed, sitting down next to Natalie. Okay my bed is theirs now too I guess.

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