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Yu Keer walked up to the tree and peeped at the little child. Her breath hitched as she saw the girl clearly.
The only word that she could use to describe the little girl that stared at her.
"Hi there" Yu Keer bent down to her level.
"Hello". The girl responded and Yu Keer's heart instantly turned to mash.

"What's your name?" The girl asked.
"Yu Keer, what's yours?"
"Fei" the girl chirped up and Yu Keer knew that she was the one she wanted to adopt.
"Tiang Shen come over here" Yu Keer called out to her husband. Tiang Shen walked over and his eyebrow shot up in surprise.
"Mister your wife is very nice" Fei beamed out and smiled.

"Madam Cheng" Tiang Shen called out. "Yes Second Master Tiang", She rushed over to their side, excited that they had found a child to adopt.
Immediately she got over, her smile faded into a scowl. Fei looked up fearfully at Madam Cheng and hid lashed behind Yu Keer.

"Why is she scared?" Tiang Shen asked his wife who shrugged in response. "Second Master, are you thinking of adopting this child?" Madam Cheng asked and Yu Keer nodded.
"Yes we are" Tiang Shen's heart skipped a beat.
"You can't adopt this child, she's so stubborn and disrespectful" Madam Cheng spat.

"But she doesn't seem so".
Madam Cheng gritted her teeth and glared at Fei in an heated gaze.
"Madam Cheng could you bring her papers?" Yu Keer asked delightful.
Cheng tried to speak but was silenced by a warning look from Tiang Shen.
"Of course Second Master Tiang". She gritted out and went to her office, Tiang Shen following close behind.

"Aunty" Fei pulled on Yu Keer's sleeve.
"You're the only person who's ever been nice to me, can you visit me more often?" Fei asked adorably and was tugged at by Yu Keer.
"No need for that, you're coming home with us" Yu Keer patted her cheeks.
"Hmm? Why?" Fei tilted her head.
"Because you're going to be my new daughter. Tiang Fei"

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