Chapter 2 (S1): Sisters

Start from the beginning

She spoke sarcastically.

(Y/n): Well, I won you this.

You offered her a stitched teddy bear with buttons for eyes. She blushed, taking it instead of the chicken.

Raven: Thank you.

Beast Boy & Cyborg: Ooh~.

They smirked, and both of you turn to them with a stern.

Robin lands nearby.

Robin: Titans! Trouble!

Cyborg: Where's Starfire?

Robin: That's the trouble.

You shift into your suit and follow Robin.

Raven tosses the teddy bear into a portal and her and the two follow.

You all reached to the end of the pier, and look over the bay to see a tentacled robot chasing Starfire. Their speed created small waves.

She looked back over her shoulder, gasped, and sidestep to dodged a tentacle lashing at her. She turns back and throws a couple of starbolts, which one hits the head but not faze it.

Starfire: No more chasing now, please!

Her eyes were still bright orange, and continues flying away from it. She went down and fly past you five. You checked you sensors to get a reading on that machine.

(Y/n): According to my scanners, it appears to be an alien robot. But why is it chasing Starfire?

Robin: Don't know...

He socks his fist against his palm.

Robin: But I can't wait to meet him.

They loop around the ferris wheel, then back to the pier, where Starfire stops behind the rest of the team.

Beast Boy jumps first, turning into an crocodile to sink his jaws to the tentacles, but missed.

Raven lifts a hot dog cart, using her magic and hurls it which was broken through and the machine flies past her, you and Cyborg.

Cyborg grabs the tentacles, pulling it back with all the strength he has.

Cyborg: Don't know what you did to make this thing mad, Star, but it couldn't hurt to apologize!

Starfire: I am sorry?

The robot yanks its tentacles off of Cyborg's grasp. Robin pulls his staff, extending it, and went for a strong swing right at the head, sending it to the water.

Beast Boy, back as a human looks down.

Beast Boy: So, did we just win?

It crashes up through the planks.

You jump onto the head, and open a holographic screen from your wrist.

(Y/n): I'll hack this robot.

You type the screen, and electricity starts sparking the machine, as it goes out of control. You get down with the Titans, then aim a micro missile from your wrist, and shoot it, as it zooms in and explodes the robot.

Cyborg: Your suit's highly advanced, (Y/n). You sure are Tony's son.

Raven: Impressive.

Robin turned to Starfire.

Robin: Whatever that thing was, it can't hurt you now.

Starfire: But why did it wish to hurt me at all?

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