The other boy on the left wasn't as kind, his face was perfectly blank, a slight furrow to his brow. He dressed like a wanna be gangster, all black attire like the rest of them. His pants were definitely a few sizes too big; his top a knit sweater, and a black handkerchief covered his forehead.

"Sorry! How rude of me, this is Bill my boyfriend and his twin brother Tom." She gestured to the boys.


Yea right.

I smiled, giving them a polite wave. "Nice to meet you two." The one called Tom scoffed, rolling his eyes he ignored me to talk to Bill in what seemed like another language.

My lips curved down as I turned to grab my luggage from my dad, who was very obviously bothered by two boys being in my room.

"Talk to you outside for a sec bells?" He motioned towards the door with his eyes.. great.
I agreed following him out into the hall.

I expected him to make a comment about the twins but he surprised me pulling me in for a tight hug. I held him back, relaxing into his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo. Promise you'll come home every once in awhile?" I nodded against his chest, pulling away.

"Of course." I could feel my eyes start to water, quickly I wiped them.

He gave me a stern dad look, "and stay away from that weirdo with the cornrows please."

"Pffftt what? That guy? I wouldn't be caught dead with him." My breath hitched as I felt a gust of wind from the door opening behind me.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't be caught dead around you either." The dark haired 'weirdo with the cornrows' winked sliding past me, and strode down the hall.


My dad was digging holes into Toms back with his eyes. Great this is awkward now.

"Okay dad, get out of here before I change my mind and come back with you." He chuckled lightly, pulling me in for another quick hug before disappearing around the corner.

I sighed, twisting the old door knob and walking back in the room. My eyes bulged as I saw Natalie straddled over Bills lap; they were practically eating each other with their mouths.
I turned away blushing, hopefully this won't be a common occurrence.

"Shit, sorry." She climbed off of his lap, Bill just laughed straightening out his shirt.

"It's okay." I glanced at her and flashed a soft smile turning back to grab my suitcase and unpack my things.

Our room was perfectly split in the middle; each side had a twin sized bed, and a small dresser which connected to a desk. I lifted my suitcase onto the bed and unzipped it, individually folding everything and packing it neatly into the drawers.

Natalie came over and sat on my bed as I was working on my clothes, "So.." she clicked her tongue, "Do you like to party?" She raised her eyebrows earning a giggle from Bill who was still over on her side of the room.

"No, um.. not really." I sheepishly admitted, feeling a little embarrassed, like some inexperienced loser.

I am inexperienced though; never been to a party, never been drunk, or high, never had a boyfriend. The sad list goes on. Luckily Natalie didn't seem to judge very hard.

"Awe, that's too bad." She pouted running a hand through her hair, she leaned in, "You should come to one with me sometime though, yea?" she twirled a strand of her hair, giving me a hopeful look.

If Tom would be at the parties I wouldn't want to be there, I didn't tell her that though of course.

"Maybe." I chirped closing the drawer after placing my final clothing item in there.
Natalie clapped her hands skipping over to Bill.

"Well, we're off for tonight. Don't wait up for me!"

Before I could speak again, her and Bill had already taken off, leaving me alone in the room.
I can't believe they're going to a party tonight. Classes haven't even started yet, are there really people already getting shitfaced? It's a Tuesday..

I guess the solitude will be nice, maybe I can actually get some stuff done. I pulled my sheets and comforter out making the 'bed' the college graciously gave us.. not.

The mattress was made out of an almost playmat type material, and was thin as paper.
I'll have to go to a store tomorrow and get a foam pad to put over the top so my body won't ache just from sleeping on it.

As I made up my side of the room I tried not to think about Tom. What could I have done or said that was so wrong that he didn't like me? All I said was it was nice to meet them.

Bill and Natalie seemed to like me enough, they were pleasant at least. I sighed falling down onto the bed. This is going to be a longgg year if Bill and Tom are constantly in the room. Maybe I'll get lucky most nights and they'll all be gone partying.

One can dream.


Natalie was right not to wait up for her. This morning I woke up pretty early to an empty dorm. Since classes don't start for a few more days, I'm going to take advantage and explore the campus. I'll be set if I can memorize my classes and maybe find a good coffee place to stop at in the mornings.

I stretched shutting my alarm off and sliding out from under the covers. The food hall isn't open yet, so I'll focus on finding food nearby first, then I'll map out my classes.

I padded over to my dresser pulling out a neatly folded pair of khaki pants and a plain white T-shirt.

Stepping into our bathroom, I gave my hair a good brush through, lightly curling the ends. Usually I don't wear makeup, but I think it's time for me to step out of my comfort zone a little. I applied a light shimmer to my lids with a finger, and some mascara, good enough for me.

Just down the road from my dorm building there was a locally owned breakfast shop, the reviews online said they had the best donuts and cold brew in town.

"Good morning." A short blonde boy stood behind the counter, sporting a dark brown apron.

I smiled, "Could I get a small hazelnut latte, and a glazed donut please?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "Great choice, coming right up." I glanced at his name tag 'Gustav'.

He seemed really nice, maybe I'll have a class or two with him. Honestly it would be nice to find anyone here to be friends with. I don't think anyone from my old town went to this college, at least not that I know of.

Gustav placed my cup and pastry bag on the counter a few minutes after I ordered. I thanked him, taking a sip as I walked out the doors slamming firmly into someone's back.

"Shit I'm sorry." I bent down to pick up my donut that fell when I ran into him.

"Watch where you're going."


If you've read my other book this one is going to be pretty different, hope you enjoyed so far!

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