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                         Tiana's House

Tiana sat on her bed with her journal open that her therapist had given her. The words of Symone kept replaying in her head.

Tiana was trying to find the words to put in the journal but couldn't find the words to describe what she was thinking.

Snapping out of her thoughts she heard the front door open which caused her to get irritated knowing it was either her dad or his wife.

Tiana heard footsteps coming up the stairs followed by a knock at her bedroom door.

"Hey Tiana is Sonya, can I come in?"


"Ok well I just wanted to let you know that when your dad gets home we have to read the letter from the alternative school about the incident."

Tiana ignored her and continued to think about what it was that she can write in her journal. After staring at the blank pages she just ended up closing the book.

Tiana hated talking about her feelings because she felt as if they'd change things and that it'll all be her fault. She didn't want to feel like her problems were in effect on other people so she'd rather not talk about it.

* I hope y'all get what I'm tryna say cs that's how I be feeling 😂*

Hearing her phone ding Tiana saw it was a message from her dad.

My momma ex husband.

Why were you ignoring Sonya?

Nobody ignored her she asked could she come in and I said no. I'm not bout to argue with you .

Ok Tiana. When I get home we have to read the letter from your school.

Tiana left him on read not wanting to be bother. Tiana thought to herself why would Sonya's grown ass be running to tell her dad that she was 'ignoring' her when she literally wasn't?

Tiana brushed it off and started to work on her math homework.

"Tiana come downstairs so we can read the letter"

Tiana rolled her eyes and got up outta her bed to walk downstairs. Once she made it downstairs she sat at the table where her dad and his wife sat  with the letter in her dads hands.

"To the parents of Tiana Daniels,

As we reviewed the incident that occurred with Tiana and another student we have noted that Tiana instigated the fight. The cause of this will be a strike. A strike is caused when a student is involved in a physical incident with another student. Tiana's date for going back to attending her normal school will be pushed back . Strikes also add up so if Tiana gets in total 5 strikes she will be dismissed from our program. If Tiana is dismissed from our program she will be dismissed from the whole county and will have to attend a school outside of the county since we our considered the last option."

Tiana held a blank look on her face the entire time her dad read the letter.

"Tiana you should be ashamed of yourself. You get sent to this school to better yourself instead your out here fighting. What's is wrong with you?" Her dad said.

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