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They had been in the middle of interrogating Raven. When they heard a terrible laugh one that promises extreme and maddening change. With this came readings of massive amounts of warp energy. Both disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. So they decided to catalogue this and continue the interrogation. But they found Raven had passed out bloody on the makeshift table. Deciding not to waste their time any longer they walked out the camp, trying very carefully, not to be spotted by the bandits. But then again they were massive metallic skeletons with glowing lights. However, because they kicked the bandits' asses earlier they weren't paid much attention. But once they were out of the camp and a good distance away they stopped. This was because (much like the author) they weren't really sure what to do. So they decided on simple yet brilliant plan cause mayhem in Atlas. So they set off.

An:Welcome back my readers. Well I'm back. I've decided to write a short chapter considering this has been my first time writing since I came back from my home country in Eastern Europe. Anyway. Good day and cheerio!

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