A small victory.

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"I can't believe I got beaten by two humans"
Shouts Zeph'rit out into the forest.
'I shall rip their atoms to shreds.'
Thought the overlord.
'But first I will find them'
Zeph'rit was broken out of his thoughts when he heard screaming.
'Nows my chance.'
Thought the overlord rushing towards the sound. What he found in the clearing was ... interesting.He saw the girls from earlier plus a yellow and black one. Just as he believed it could not get worse a blonde male came through a bush screaming with what looked to be a ... two headed snake? When they begun their fighting,he snuck up behind them and started furiously slashing at the boy with his scythe. Again some type of forcefield flared up gold, but quickly shattered launching the boy onto the ground. The girls finished with the snake went to help their comrade.
"Back off android he is huntsman not a threat."
Says the one dressed in white.
"You killed you insolent children I'll grind your atoms to dust you stupid vermin."
Replies Zeph'rit. Angered by his words the yellow one tried punching him while yelling.
Zeph'rit having common sense dodged and slashed at her. Like the others the forcefield flared but Zeph'rit knew it could be shattered.
"Come at me you piece of filth!"
Taunted the overlord.
"Or are you scared?"
Yellow lunged again while white was trying to analyse him. Hitting her again white decided to intervene.
"Yang stop"
Replies the now dubbed Yang.
"Because it is clearly intelligent."
Replies white which he recalls being called Weiss. Zeph'rit calming down prepared for another attack but he was frozen solid by white.
"This is obviously not Atlas tech so I'll send to Atlas for analysis."
Zeph'rit being frozen but still conscious started thinking of a plan. If he could just hack this 'Atlas' he could find a way to exterminate these organics. At least he knew he could break those barriers they had.

A/N:Thank you for your votes and support.
Please tell me if you want Zeph'rit to go against Penny in Atlas.

Remnant's overlord. [Being Rewritten Some Where Else]Where stories live. Discover now