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Zeph'rit watched as his frozen body was loaded onto the inferior vehicle.
"So what do you think it is?"
Asks the pilot.
"A failed Atlas bot most likely"
Replied the copilot.
It took a few hours but they had arrived at a snowy place with lots of military. While in the transport the one dressed in white kept on using a rune to keep him frozen. A girl similar to Weiss approached them as they landed.
"Be careful it is very hostile and dangerous"
Says Weiss.
"Don't worry it will be kept secure and tests will be run on it"
Replies what Zeph'rit thought to be Weiss's sibling.
He was taken in a nearby to a nearby building and put into an elevator. Weiss's sibling broke the ice around Zeph'rit's head.
"Talk tin can, who sent you."
She demanded. She got silence in return.
"Talk or I'll just electrocute it out of you, who made you?"
" The C'tan."
He replied feeling cooperative.
" What are the C'tan?"
"How many are there of you?"
Not wanting to tell her anymore he started playing a game inside of his head.( Even necrons get bored) The elevator finally stopped and Zeph'rit stopped playing his game. He looked and saw it was different shades of gray with blue terminals with people going around. He was placed on what he assumed to be a forklift. He was then placed in a lab with lots of equipment and a table with straps.
"It is being uncooperative."
Said Weiss's sister.
"We'll just plug some viruses into it and we can salvage any remaining information."
Said I scientist.
"Or I can hack that computer that you have there."
They froze and looked at him.
"Hey remember I'm supposed to be frozen not you.''
They got a USB and plugged it into a gap between his ribs after they made a hole in the ice.
He felt the viruses. He eliminated every single one easily. He tried to get his vial of nano scarabs to hack the computer but they were also frozen.
"How about this I'll answer three questions and you place me on the table?"
"Ok fine how many are there of you?"
"Just me."
"Can you construct more of yourselves?"
"Can you repair your self?"
"Ok thank you could you tell us your name?"
"If you tell me yours."
"Fine I'm Winter Schnee. And you are?"
"Trazyn the infinite."
"Ok Trazyn we will defrost you and place you onto the table, so don't fight back."
True to their word they placed him onto the table and strapped him in. Seeing his opportunity he crushed the vial silently willing the miniature scarabs to hack the computer. They silently crawled over to the computer spreading out as not to be seen. They connected to it and a lot of information started going through Zeph'rit's mind. Then the alarms went off, because of a security breach.

A/N: Please leave your opinions in the comments.

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